Thursday, June 27, 2013

Ellissa Won MVP

Thu 11:04 AM BBT Elissa just told Mccrae that she won MVP
Thu 11:13 AM BBT Elissa and McCrae talking game. - Zap 

Figuring out what to do and if they could Backdoor someone.
McCrae is saying she should put up someone strong so they win the PoV and take themselves off. and she can Backdoor someone else
Thu 11:37 AM BBT Judd was up with McCrae and Elissa for a bit. They didn't tell Judd she got MVP. - jfung79 

Before Judd came in, McCrae was suggesting that Elissa nominate David because he is physical threat and a showmance, and if she was up against David if McCrae had to replacement-nom Elissa, she might have a shot.

Judd came in and asked Elissa if she got MVP. She denied it. She won't swear on it but she feels like she is the only one who admits anything and people use it against her. Judd told her he wasn't "people" who would use anything against her, he supports her. Judd said he would vote to keep Elissa if she is nominated. He thinks Helen, Spencer, and maybe Nick would too. They've been trying to work on Nick although Nick doesn't talk much to them. Elissa doesn't understand why McCrae will replacement-nom her. She doesn't understand why Judd and the others who want to keep her don't push for the showmances to go up as replacement nom.

Judd left. Elissa told McCrae she's not telling anyone she's MVP and asked McCrae not to either.

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