Friday, June 28, 2013

Days of Our Lives Recap

Days Of Our Lives recap is here for the day and its getting pretty good but we shall see how this storyline goes.. I wish the writers once again would go back to how they use to write storyline's back in the 80s with Stefano and all them..

Oh well shall wait and see

TV Reality Mom


Thursday, June 27, 2013
by Mike
At the Horton house, Jennifer handed Cameron a prescription pad and told him about J.J.'s visit to the residents' room at the hospital the previous day. Jennifer apologized for J.J.'s poor judgment, stressing that he had been planning to deliver his apology personally, but had apparently been delayed. Since none of the prescription pad's pages were missing, Cameron reasoned that it wasn't a big deal.
Meanwhile, Abigail entered the house, prompting Cameron to abruptly excuse himself. After a brief conversation with Jennifer, Abigail decided to chase after Cameron, managing to catch up to him in the park. Cameron wondered when Abigail had been planning to tell him about what had happened between her and Chad the previous night. Abigail claimed that Chad was just a friend, but Cameron wasn't convinced.
Cameron said that, while he believed that Abigail truly cared about him, it simply wasn't enough anymore. Cameron added that he and Abigail needed to always be honest with each other. Abigail insisted that she had never lied to Cameron, but he believed that she was lying to herself.
"I'm not gonna hang around if you continue to play these mind games. You know how I feel. You know how Chad feels. It's time for you to figure out how you feel. I mean, if we're serious, then we're exclusive...'cause otherwise, we're done," Cameron said before walking away. Abigail chased after Cameron and admitted that he was right -- she had been lying to herself, although she hadn't realized that until he had pointed it out.
Abigail tried to assure Cameron that her conflicting feelings had nothing to do with him, but he didn't seem to appreciate the clichéd "it's not you, it's me" speech. Abigail started to ask Cameron to give her a break, since her family had been dealing with a lot recently, but she quickly decided that was just a really lame excuse.
"Listen, Abigail, you have to do what's right for you, okay? You can't commit to somebody because you don't want to hurt them or because you want to be decisive, okay? You do it because they are the person that you want to be with. Because you are sure...there is no one else that makes you feel the way they do," Cameron said. Cameron urged Abigail to give the matter some thought and let him know once she had made a decision.
At the Horton Town Square, J.J. and Rory raced out of one of the stores, with Cole -- the guy who had purchased the painkillers that J.J. had stolen from the hospital earlier -- and Bev -- Cole's girlfriend -- in tow. Once the group was a safe distance away from the store, they paused to brag about the thefts that they had each just committed.
Each person in the group had used a backpack to smuggle a few stolen goods out of the store. Rory had stolen a small stack of CDs and other miscellaneous items, Bev had stolen a handful of DVDs, and Cole had stolen a newly released video game that he seemed to be particularly excited about. Most notably, J.J. had stolen a cell phone that he believed that he could sell to someone on the docks for at least three hundred dollars.
As the group tried to decide how to spend the rest of the day, Bev openly flirted with J.J. Cole pointedly wrapped his arm around Bev and pulled her toward him, brushing his head against a branch of the tree that had been planted next to Alice and Tom's memorial plaque in the process. "You know what? I've just always hated this tree. Plastic rich people think they own it. Come on, everybody -- grab a hold. Take a piece of it home," Cole suggested.
Rory and Bev eagerly rushed over to help Cole break off a section of the tree, but J.J. wasn't amused. "Hey, man, that was my great-grandfather's tree. He was important; that's why the plaque's there. Get the hell away from it," J.J. said as he shoved Cole away from the tree, knocking Cole's backpack to the ground in the process. Cole mocked J.J. for thinking that the plaque somehow made J.J.'s family special.
J.J. warned Cole to back off, but Cole ignored the warning, breaking off a large section of the tree and tossing it aside as he continued to mock J.J. J.J. gave Cole another warning, but Cole -- who, according to a passing remark that J.J. had made earlier, was "wasted" -- continued to antagonize J.J., dumping a slush drink on the plaque and declaring that the tree was stupid.
Seething with rage, J.J. pushed Cole against a nearby wall and punched him in the face. As J.J. and Cole continued to fight, two police officers intervened, separating the young men. J.J. tried to explain that Cole had been vandalizing the memorial, but the officers were more interested in the two backpacks that were laying on the ground.
Cole and J.J. willingly claimed their respective backpacks, unaware that stolen merchandise had slipped out of each one during the struggle. The fight had attracted a small group of onlookers, including a store owner who identified the items as stolen goods from her store. The woman announced that she wanted to press charges against J.J. and Cole, and the cops quickly placed the young men under arrest.
At the Brady Pub, Marlena received a phone call from Roman while she and Caroline were talking about Eric's hospitalization. After ending the call, Marlena informed Caroline that Eric was being released from the hospital later that day. Caroline and Marlena each agreed that, while they were glad that Eric was all right, it seemed strange that his mysterious illness had completely vanished in such a short amount of time.
Caroline guessed that John was probably doing everything that he could possibly do to support Marlena while Sami and Eric were both dealing with difficult situations. "Well, no, I just got a text from John saying he was out of town for a couple days. And...that's fine," Marlena said with a shrug.
In one of the hospital break rooms, a nurse delivered Eric's test results to Daniel. After reading the results, Daniel left the room without offering an explanation to Brady and Nicole. As Brady complained about Daniel's abrupt departure, he nervously observed that Nicole looked like she was formulating some kind of scheme. Nicole reached for her cell phone as she cryptically stated that she had the answer.
Nicole placed a phone call to someone and asked to speak to Hanley right away, identifying herself as Nicole Walker, the Titan TV reporter. Through gritted teeth, Brady reminded Nicole that she no longer worked at Titan TV, but she shushed him. As she waited to be connected to Hanley, Nicole turned on the speakerphone so that Brady could listen to Hanley's end of the conversation.
"Hanley, hi. Nicole Walker. Look, uh, I know you're a busy man, so I'll cut right to the chase, okay? We're about to go public with a story about how you almost killed Father Eric Brady. Are you aware of that?" Nicole asked. Hanley wanted to know what Nicole was talking about. "Well, I'm gonna take that as a no, so here's the header -- a young, courageous Catholic priest, desperately fighting for the life of his school, has to travel to the capitol because Charles Hanley of the budget bureau is in a turf war with the Department of Education and is holding up certification for Father Eric's school. Are you with me so far?" Nicole wondered.
Hanley insisted that Nicole's claims were outrageous. "Good, well, I'm not finished. Sadly, Father Eric became ill and almost died because of Hanley's lust for petty power. Ooh -- I like that alliteration -- 'petty power,'" Nicole added. Hanley protested that he had done nothing wrong, but Nicole disagreed, pointedly asking an imaginary assistant if the station still had incriminating footage of Hanley that was just waiting to be uploaded to YouTube.
Playing the role of the assistant, Brady confirmed that the station still had the incriminating footage. Nicole pressed Hanley for a statement, but he stammered that he would have to consult with some people first. Nicole wondered if that meant that she should go ahead and run the story. Hanley begged Nicole to refrain from running the story, assuring her that the school would be approved later that day.
In Eric's room, Kristen innocently greeted Eric, who informed her that he knew what had happened. Eric observed that Kristen really enjoyed messing with people's lives. Startled, Kristen turned away from Eric and claimed that she didn't know what he was talking about.
"I know exactly what this is about. I didn't support your deep, crazy love for my brother, Brady. I wouldn't attend your wedding. I wouldn't hear your confession when your crazy scheme blew up in your face. Those are the facts, Kristen! You have a ton of vindictive reasons to be angry with me, but now -- now that you heard that the new school may be in trouble because I've taken -- I've taken ill, and I didn't have time to meet some very important bureaucrats, and that the DiMeras -- oh, the DiMeras -- they gave a ton of money for this new school -- you are here to tell me the funds can be withdrawn!" Eric angrily summarized.
Kristen assured Eric that the DiMera family's donations had been given to the church without reservation. Kristen claimed that she had heard about Eric's illness and had simply wanted to check on him. Unconvinced, Eric guessed that Kristen had been hoping to run into Marlena at the hospital so that she could try to push Marlena's buttons. "I know you, Kristen. When it comes to my family, you always have a plan, don't you?" Eric snapped.
Kristen continued to feign innocence, assuring Eric that she was on his side and had no desire to cause problems for him or his family. Eric started to lash out at Kristen again, but he stopped himself mid-sentence and turned away from her, breathing heavily. Meanwhile, Daniel entered the room and asked if something was wrong, prompting Eric to reply that something was definitely wrong.
Daniel started to ask Kristen to leave so that he could talk to Eric privately, but Eric asked her to stay. Eric explained that his illness had apparently made him extremely irritable. Eric apologized for lashing out at Kristen and acknowledged that she wasn't responsible for what had happened to him the previous night. Kristen accepted Eric's apology and excused herself, breathing a sigh of relief as she left the hospital.
After hearing the news about his latest test results, Eric seemed willing to accept that he might never figure out what had really happened to him the previous night, but Daniel wasn't satisfied with that possibility. Daniel wanted Eric to give the hospital regular blood samples so that Eric's antibodies could be studied. Daniel hoped that studying Eric's antibodies would help the lab technicians figure out how Eric's body was fighting the unidentified poison, which might also enable them to identify the poison itself.
Eric protested that he didn't have time for that sort of process, since he still needed to worry about getting the school project approved. As if on cue, Brady and Nicole entered the room and announced that the school project had already been approved. Eric stared in disbelief at an article on Nicole's cell phone that confirmed the announcement, and Brady showed Eric a Twitter message that the governor had just posted.
Brady started to tell Eric why the school project had suddenly been approved, but Nicole interrupted and summarized that the only thing that really mattered was that the bureaucrats had finally done something right for a change. Meanwhile, Roman entered the room and said that he had just heard the good news on the radio.
Roman announced that some of Eric's loved ones were headed to St. Luke's to celebrate, so Eric excitedly gathered his belongings and started to leave. Daniel stopped Eric and pointed out that time constraints would no longer prevent Eric from giving the hospital regular blood samples, but Eric replied that he just wanted to move forward instead of dwelling on the past.
After Eric left, Daniel asked Brady to try to convince Eric to keep a journal of any memories that he managed to recall from the previous night. Brady agreed to do so, but he wasn't convinced that Daniel needed to worry about Eric, since Eric had seemingly recovered from the mysterious illness without any lingering side effects. Daniel started to tell Brady about Eric's earlier outburst, but Brady interrupted when he realized that Kristen had visited Eric.
Surprised that the mere mention of Kristen's name had irritated Brady, Daniel asked if Brady wanted to talk about what had happened with her. After insisting that he never wanted to talk about Kristen, think about her, or even hear her name mentioned again, Brady abruptly walked away. Later, at the Kiriakis mansion, Brady briefly wondered why Kristen had been at the hospital in the first place, but he quickly decided that he didn't care.
At the Horton house, Jennifer received a phone call from someone at the police station, who informed her that J.J. had been arrested. When Jennifer arrived at the police station, J.J. told her about the fight and what had started it. "Mom, I'm sorry, but weren't your grandparents, like, really special? I mean, that's why the tree's there. I remember you telling me stories about them -- all the great stuff they did," J.J. said.
Jennifer replied that Tom and Alice had been two of the best people who had ever lived, adding that she had always tried, but sometimes failed, to live up to their example. J.J. muttered that hanging out with Cole, who was always getting into trouble, had been a huge mistake. Ignoring J.J.'s statement, Jennifer approached a nearby officer and demanded to have her son -- a minor who never should have been arrested in the first place, since he had simply stopped someone from vandalizing public property -- released right away.
J.J., who had been trying to interrupt Jennifer, finally managed to stop her for long enough to sheepishly inform her that he hadn't been arrested for fighting. J.J. failed to elaborate, so the officer revealed that J.J. had been arrested for stealing several hundred dollars' worth of merchandise from a store.
At the hospital, Anne told Daniel that she hadn't realized that Jennifer's son had returned to Salem. Feigning concern, Anne guessed that Jennifer was probably worried sick about what had happened. Confused, Daniel wondered what Anne was talking about. "Well, let's not spread it around, but I have a friend at the police station, and Jennifer's son was arrested," Anne innocently revealed.
Outside the Brady Pub, Kristen sweetly greeted Marlena and Caroline, hoping that they were both doing well. Caroline explained that she and Marlena were headed to St. Luke's to celebrate Eric's release from the hospital. Failing to take the hint, Kristen said that she was glad that Eric had made a full recovery. Kristen guessed that Sami's ordeal was weighing heavily on Marlena's mind.
With a slight cringe, Kristen added that she hoped that Sami's murder trial would go well. Marlena found that hard to believe, but Kristen insisted that she was being sincere, citing E.J. as one of the main reasons that she was on Sami's side. "Our families are close. You know, because of your daughter and my brother. Intertwined. We're so connected. I think we will be till the day you die. Bye," Kristen said, smiling as she walked away.
Later, at St. Luke's, Roman, Marlena, Caroline, Eric, and Nicole celebrated Eric's release from the hospital and the approval of the school project. Nicole read some of the positive Twitter messages that had been posted about the school project aloud. "Everything's so fast today with tweets, beeps, and YouTubes, and for myself, I'm really from the smoke signal era," Caroline joked.
Caroline mentioned that she and Marlena had encountered Kristen earlier, and Eric revealed that Kristen had also visited him at the hospital. "Oh, that girl goes everywhere she's not wanted," Caroline dryly observed. Roman pulled Marlena aside and protectively encouraged her to let him know if Kristen ever bothered her again. Later, after ending a congratulatory call from the bishop, Eric proposed a toast to St. Luke's Academy.
At the DiMera mansion, Kristen told Chyka about her earlier encounter with Eric. Chyka confidently assured Kristen that Eric would never be able to remember what had occurred the previous night, since those particular memory cells had died and would never regenerate. With Kristen's fears calmed, Chyka wondered if she would soon put the next phase of her plan into motion, and she confirmed that she had every intention of doing so.
Later, after Chyka left, Kristen watched some of the video clips from the earliest stages of her seduction plot, when a clearly disoriented Eric had offered some initial protests about the situation. "Oh, man. Poor guy. Trying so hard to do the right thing. Such strong principles. Gone. Gone. Gone," Kristen said as she deleted those particular clips. Kristen spliced the remaining parts of the video together and leaned back to admire the finished product.
"Oh, Eric. Something tells me that not everybody's gonna be so understanding about this. I have a funny feeling," Kristen said, emphasizing her final words in a singsong voice.
. . .

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