Thursday, June 27, 2013

BB Updates Convos

Thu 6:37 AM BBTNick gets something to drink & goes back to bed. NT - serac

Thu 6:26 AM BBTNick up & to the bathroom, washes & goes to the kitchen. Gets a bowl of cereal. NT - serac

Thu 5:02 AM BBTAll HGs seem to be in bed. Kaitlin & Jeremy back in bed cuddling. McCrae & Amanda are still awake talking in the HOH bed NT - kalicush

Thu 5:00 AM BBTAmanda thinks they need Jeremy in their alliance but she isn’t so sure about Kaitlin because she’s so emotional. NT - kalicush

Thu 4:59 AM BBTAmanda & McCrae agree that all the showmances and love triangles are good for them because it takes the target off of their backs - kalicush

Amanda brings up David and McCrae says he doesn’t trust him at all and they both agree David needs to go sooner than later. McCrae says David is trying to play up the surfer dude act and was fishing for info from McCrae

Amanda says David told her that he didn’t want to work as a lifeguard this summer and needed something to do so thats why he’s on BB. They mention that he was cast in a different process than the others, he was cast in the last week or 2. Amanda says Elissa was cast the same way as David- last minute.

McCrae says that David is a superfan of Survivor and he thinks he actually wanted to be on that show.

Thu 4:53 AM BBTMcCrae & Amanda are up in the HOH bed (lights out) talking. They both think Judd has been acting very paranoid. McCrae - kalicush

points out that Judd doesn’t seem to be on anyone’s radar.

McCrae brings up Andy wanting an alliance with him & Amanda. Amanda doesn’t have any interest in aligning with him.

Thu 4:42 AM BBTAmanda heads to bed. GinaMarie, Spencer, Kaitlin, Jeremy and Andy are still up talking in the lounge NT - kalicush

Thu 4:33 AM BBTAmanda tells Spencer that he reminds her of Kenny Powers. The group starts talking about Eastbound & Down NT - kalicush

Thu 4:28 AM BBTGinaMarie, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Spencer, Andy & McCrae are in the lounge hanging out. GinaMarie is discussing her hurt foot NT - kalicush

Thu 4:20 AM BBTSpencer & Amanda have joined them in the kitchen. Amanda is saran wrapping a bag of ice to GinaMarie’s foot NT - kalicush

Thu 4:19 AM BBTKaitlin & Jeremy are out of bed and in the kitchen with GinaMarie. She’s in a lot of pain, her foot is swollen. Jeremy - kalicush

gets her some ice for it. GinaMarie has been crying and seems pretty upset about her foot.

Thu 4:16 AM BBTAndy & McCrae are up in the HOH talking game. They are discussing Elissa, McCrae wishes they could work with her but says - kalicush

she is a train wreck. Andy brings up what he was talking about to Spencer and Judd about wanting a lover of BB to win this game and not someone who is there seeking fame. McCrae agrees.

Both guys agree that making it to the Jury is a huge goal of theirs.

Thu 4:09 AM BBTAmanda, Judd, Andy & Spencer are in the bathroom chatting while getting ready for bed. McCrae is alone in the HOH brushing his teeth - kalicush

Kaitlin & Jeremy are snuggled up together in bed.

Thu 4:08 AM BBTJeremy says it is up to him to try and make Jessie happy, so she doesn’t make waves for him & Kaitlin - kalicush

Kaitlin asks him if he let her down tonight (broke up with her) and he says he does feel like he let her down tonight but he wasn’t an a**hole.
Jeremy "I made it abundantly clear I wasn’t here for a relationship"

Thu 4:06 AM BBTKaitlin & Jeremy are still lying in bed whispering/complaining about Jessie. They are being pretty touchy. Jeremy tells - kalicush

Kaitlin that he’s never met a girl like her before (meaning Kaitlin)

Thu 4:04 AM BBTMcCrae, Judd, Spencer & Andy are having some fun with the cameras in the kitchen. NT - kalicush

Thu 4:01 AM BBTAmanda is entertaining Jeremy & Kaitlin. She's cracking them up by dancing around the room. NT - kalicush

Thu 3:58 AM BBTJeremy's worried that Jessie is going to cause drama and possibly put a target on him & Kaitlin. Amanda comes into the room - kalicush

and tells Kaitlin not to let Jessie pull her down.

Andy, McCrae and Spencer are in the kitchen looking at the memory wall pics.

Thu 3:53 AM BBTKaitlin is laying in Jeremy’s arms in bed. They are still whispering about Jessie. NT - kalicush

Thu 3:46 AM BBTJeremy & Kaitlin are laying in bed together whispering about Jess. Kaitlin says Jess is upset because Jeremy isn't - kalicush

showing her any attention anymore and she is feeling insecure.

Thu 3:38 AM BBTMcCrae, Spencer, Andy, Amanda and Judd are in the kitchen eating & talking. NT - kalicush

Thu 3:33 AM BBTCan someone take over the updates? Thank you. NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:32 AM BBTKaitlin wakes Jeremy up & asks him what Jessie said. It's hard to make out what she's saying but she said "What? It's that bad?" NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:31 AM BBTKaitlin says she's happy that her ex's family will watch this show & see her on there. She asks if that's bad. NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:31 AM BBTKaitlin saying she loves how confrontational Aaryn is & how she candled herself in the fight with Elissa. NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:30 AM BBTKaitlin & Amanda are in the bathroom. Kaitlin is worrying about going in the BR. She says "you can't trust anyone, ni***." Then - HumblePie

catches herself having said that on the live feed.

Thu 3:28 AM BBTKaitlin did a few cheerleading moves & Spencer/Judd both did it too. NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:27 AM BBTMcCrae is making a hot dog for himself, Spencer & Amanda. NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:25 AM BBTSpencer & Andy head to the kitchen to join Kaitlin, Amanda and McCrae NT - kalicush

Thu 3:24 AM BBTMcCrae decides he wants to make some hot dogs so the girls leave the HOH too. NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:23 AM BBTKaitlin says that on day 1, Elissa tried to be really buddy buddy with her and she was freaked out by all Elissa's plastic surgery - HumblePie

and that she looked like a preying mantis. She also says that once McCrae won HOH, she started acting weird with everyone else. Kaitlin asks if Elissa has ever said anything bad about her & Amanda says no. Kaitlin asks if there's a chance Elissa really isn't Rachel's sister & they'd look stupid after voting her out. Amanda says that someone said they saw her on the My Fair Wedding episode where Rachel got married. Kaitlin says this all came from Candice initially.

Thu 3:23 AM BBTAndy, Spencer & Judd all agree that if they get MVP they would never tell the house about it because they’d have a huge target - kalicush

on their back. The guys start talking about Helen & Elissa and think they could be a good pair. Andy “I’m positive Elissa isn’t gunning for any of us” he doesn’t see why she should go home.

They are talking about Elissa possibly being Rachel’s sister and Spencer thinks if they are sisters then Rachel is going to be blowing up Twitter getting MVP votes for Elissa and she could end up being MVP all summer.

They start discussing McCrae and they all seem to agree they like him.

Thu 3:21 AM BBTKaitlin said that all this boils down to girl's insecurity & specifically Elissa for starting all this. NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:20 AM BBTKaitlin/Amanda/McCrae discuss the entire twist being based on Rachel's words which points to Elissa being a twist. Kaitlin says - HumblePie

that Elissa went up to Aaryn and congratulated her on winning the MVP. Aaryn was taken aback. Elissa went up to Andy and said that all the guys have an alliance and they'd be voting him out.

Thu 3:19 AM BBTKaitlin said Elissa confronted Aaryn about having MVP (think she meant Aaryn having it -- not sure) NT - MaddyP

Thu 3:18 AM BBTAmanda says that she has no read on GinaMarie and she's very diplomatic. McCrae says that GinaMarie's mouth will get her in troubl NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:18 AM BBTKaitlin says someone can have MVP consecutive weeks. NT - MaddyP

Thu 3:18 AM BBTAndy says the only guy he is worried about is Nick. Spencer agrees with him, he thinks he is hiding something. NT - kalicush

Thu 3:17 AM BBTMcCrae/Kaitlin/Amanda are all annoyed with various things about Candice. Kaitlin is also talking about concerns with Jessie. NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:16 AM BBTAmanda asks Kaitlin if she's ever talked game with Nick. She said the night they figured out that Rachel & Elissa were sisters, - HumblePie

the girls were cracking so Kaitlin asked Jessie to get Nick knowing that Jessie would tell him about it. Nick said that he'd slowly get information out of Elissa. They say that Nick is good at that. Kaitlin asks if anyone know where Helen's head is at. Amanda says no because she's with Elissa for right now.

Thu 3:14 AM BBTSpencer, Judd & Andy are bonding over wanting a lover of the game to win BB and not someone who is there to launch their - kalicush

modeling career or are seeking fame.

Spencer says being on BB is a dream come true for him.

Andy tells the guys he went to high school with Joe from BB8.

Thu 3:11 AM BBTJudd tells Andy & Spencer that he hates that there are people in the house that aren’t BB fans, they were scouted for the show - kalicush

Judd says he has applied the last 4 years to be here. Andy & Spencer agree and say they are lovers of the game.

Andy gets up to make sure there aren’t any HGs outside the door that could be listening to them.

Spencer tells Judd that the girls won’t be able to use there sexuality to sway him or take advantage of him in this game.

Thu 3:11 AM BBTKaitlin says that Jessie has been flirting with David too. Kaitlin worries that it will seem like she's in a showmance with Jeremy NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:09 AM BBTAmanda asks Kaitlin what the deal is with Aaryn/David. Kaitlin/Amanda think that Aaryn is acting too possessive of David. Amanda - HumblePie

tells Kaitlin about how she told David today that he needs to spend more time with other people. Kaitlin agrees.

Thu 3:07 AM BBTMcCrae joins the guys in the lounge. He tells them there is a pretty funny convo going on upstairs, he says Kaitlin & Amanda - kalicush

are up there discussing girl problems.

Spencer wishes that Amanda would drop her tough girl act. Andy says that he found her crying alone today and he saw a sweet side of her.

Thu 3:05 AM BBTJudd, Spencer & Andy are still in the lounge talking about enjoying the experience of BB but not expecting fame from it NT - kalicush

Thu 3:05 AM BBTKaitlin/McCrae/Amanda still talking about Jessie freaking out on Jeremy today. McCrae leaves to grab a spoon for his ice cream NT - HumblePie

Thu 3:03 AM BBTJeremy is still reassuring David that the whole house is on board to evict Elissa this week NT - kalicush

Thu 3:02 AM BBTAmanda saying how it's funny that Nick doesn't like super aggressive girls and it's fun to mess with him & McCrae is the same way. - HumblePie

McCrae says that they joke around.

Thu 2:59 AM BBTMcCrae says that Jessie grabbed his arm in the pageant and said she'd hold onto him. Amanda asks if he thinks Jessie was trying to - HumblePie

make her mad & McCrae says he thinks she was looking for her next showmance then he geeked out for the pageant and Jessie said that now Judd was walking the girls in the pageant she wouldn't hold onto him.

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