Thursday, June 27, 2013

BB Updates more convos

Thu 2:59 AM BBTJeremy is assuring David that everyone is going to be voting Elissa out. Jeremy “The whole f**king house” NT - kalicush

Thu 2:58 AM BBTJeremy & David are both in bed talking strategy. Jeremy says they should take Jess off the block if they win Veto - kalicush

and David asks why they would take Jess off the block? Jeremy says so that Elissa will go home. David doesn’t get why they should take off Jess the block?
Jeremy says that McCrae told him if Candice or Jess win Veto and remove themselves then he’ll put Elissa up as the replacement. David seems on board.

Thu 2:56 AM BBTKaitlin saying that she didn't participate in the BB pageant because she thought Jessie would be mad if Jeremy gave her attention NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:55 AM BBTKaitlin is saying she feels bad that Jessie is hurt because her loyalties should be to her but she felt bad that Jessie yelled at - HumblePie

Jeremy. Amanda says she knew Jessie would be a problem with the girls when she went prissy on day 2 and she craves male attention.

Thu 2:54 AM BBTAmanda tells Kaitlin that on day 3, Jessie came up to her and said she liked 2 guys & Amanda felt like she was in a Beiber concert NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:52 AM BBTJeremy gets up and tells the others goodnight. The other 4 continue talking. Spencer is asking Andy about his family NT - kalicush

Thu 2:51 AM BBTAndy says he’d like to repay student loans and help out his parents. Howard says he’d give back to his church and he’d love - kalicush

to take his mom and the rest of his family on a vacation somewhere (he says none of them have ever been on a plane and have lived a humble life)

One of the guys has major gas which makes them all laugh hysterically

Thu 2:50 AM BBTKaitlin is telling McCrae & Amanda about Jessie getting upset over Jeremy/Kaitlin flirting when she liked Nick a day ago. Kaitlin - HumblePie

was fine with the fact that Jessie liked him because she thought it was fun flirting but now Jessie is mad at her. Kaitlin says that Jessie just wants a showmance with someone.

Thu 2:49 AM BBTKaitlin & Amanda are saying that if Candice goes, it's because no one likes her. Amanda says she was wearing awful, cheap earrings NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:47 AM BBTKaitlin says that Candice came at her acting aggressive and she was thinking Candice's black side was coming out. NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:46 AM BBTAmanda is telling Kaitlin to calm down and trying to put things in perspective that no one would want her gone. They ask McCrae - HumblePie

who he honestly wants gone more & it comes up that Candice snapped on him when she got nominated. McCrae says that even if Aaryn goes up, she'd be fine. Caitlin says that during the week, she'd throw out things at Candice to see where her head was at the in the game and she didn't want to talk about game but now she won't stop talking about game.

Thu 2:46 AM BBTThe guys have some graphic locker room talk then start discussing what they’d do with a million dollars NT - kalicush

Thu 2:44 AM BBTKaitlin says that she'll freak out if Elissa's name is pulled out of the POV bag & she's worried if Aaryn wins POV, Elissa will - HumblePie

put Kaitlin up if she is the MVP.

Thu 2:43 AM BBT5 guys (Spencer, Andy, Jeremy, Judd and Howard) are in the lounge laughing about playing pranks in the house NT - kalicush

Thu 2:42 AM BBTKaitlin is rehashing how Candice told her to shut the f*** up mulitple times during the Have/Have Not comp NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:42 AM BBTKaitlin joins McCrae & Amanda in the HOH. Kaitlin says she can't comfort Candice anymore because she put her name out to be nom'd NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:39 AM BBTAmanda says she feels Jeremy is honest which counts a lot and he doesn't seem to know he'd get BDed everytime. NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:38 AM BBTAmanda is talking again about how weird Judd is acting. She thinks he plays stupid. Says he asks BB questions but knows BB trivia NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:37 AM BBTAmanda & McCrae are shocked at the fact that hardly anyone seemed to know that if you win POV & use it, you still can't go up. NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:34 AM BBTSpencer starts talking about production & DRs and we get fish NT - kalicush

Thu 2:33 AM BBTThe group in the lounge are still talking and laughing about random things; music, movies.... NT - kalicush

Thu 2:33 AM BBTAmanda asks McCrae if Elissa went into her Jekyll & Hyde where she's Elissa/Rachel. He says she was Rachel the whole time. He says - HumblePie

Elissa acted weird in the HOH then Judd came in & left and Elissa said she felt Judd was hiding something. Amanda says that Elissa is bad news.

Thu 2:31 AM BBTAmanda tells McCrae that he has to get rid of Elissa because that's what he's told the whole house & then he'd be the hero NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:30 AM BBTAmanda tells McCrae they have to get rid of Elissa. Amanda says she doesn't trust Judd NT - MaddyP

Thu 2:29 AM BBTMcCrae tells Amanda he's worried about Aaryn/David too. Amanda assures him that Aaryn/David would go before them NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:27 AM BBTMcCrae is concerned about the vibe he got from Howard today & he won't look him in the eye. Amanda is telling him he's wrong NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:26 AM BBTKaitlin tells the guys (Howard, Spencer, Judd, Jeremy, Andy) that she heard an Apple Iphone ring today through the - kalicush

walls and it just made her want her phone. They talk & laugh about the people in the walls.

The wonder if they’ll have a comp tomorrow or not. Amanda thinks all the comps this season are going to be crazy hard, the guys agree with her.

Thu 2:24 AM BBTAmanda tells McCrae that if they stick to her idea, they could go to the F4. She says she can trust Howard. McCrae says that - HumblePie

Howard is acting weird with him today. Amanda says that Jeremy will get nominated because he's all hardcore and all those people get evicted. Amanda is reassuring McCrae that he can trust Howard. Amanda says that once Jeremy gets nominated, they can talk him into being in an alliance with them along with Kaitlin. So there's a couple in their alliance. Amanda says she will keep her distance from him.

Thu 2:21 AM BBTJudd, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Spencer, Howard and Candice are talking and laughing in the airplane lounge. NT - kalicush

Thu 2:21 AM BBTAmanda tells McCrae that Judd is acting weird & Spencer is acting like a total d*** now out of no where. NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:19 AM BBTAmanda wonders if Elissa is being fed information because she isn't smart enough to come up with this stuff & then says it's BS NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:19 AM BBTMcCrae heads up to the HOH alone. A minute later Amanda joins him and asks him if he is overwhelmed with people trying to talk - kalicush

to him? Amanda starts to talk game with him. “Candice is an idiot!” McCrae agrees with her.

They are both sitting in the HOH bed now talking. Amanda is trying to pump McCrae for info on what people have been saying to him.

Thu 2:19 AM BBTAmanda says Candice is an idiot & no one knows how to play this game. Amanda tells McCrae that he was even stupid by thinking of - HumblePie

aligning with the strong guys. Amanda says that Candice is telling Kaitlin that McCrae is in an alliance with Elissa. Amanda says that she doesn't think it would make sense for McCrae to align with Elissa but he needs to figure out who he can trust and asks to tell her what Elissa says. McCrae says that Elissa says 4 super fans, 4 super families. Amanda says she's making things up.

Thu 2:16 AM BBTMcCrae is alone in the HOH & looks at the camera and says "Oh f***." Amanda joins him to tell him all the things happening NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:13 AM BBTMcCrae tells Kaitlin that she's in a good position bc Aaryn stayed on the HOH the longest so Aaryn seems to be the strongest girl NT - HumblePie

Thu 2:08 AM BBTKaitlin tells McCrae that Elissa is starting all the drama 100%. McCrae agrees. NT - jww047_

Thu 2:08 AM BBTKaitlin says Elissa starting all this drama NT - MaddyP

Thu 2:02 AM BBTKaitlin pointing out how bad & crazy Candice was in the Have/Have Not comp. She kept yelling "shut the f*** up" at someone NT *DELETED* - HumblePie

Post deleted by HumblePie

Thu 2:04 AM BBTI thought they were talking about Elissa NT - mhg76

Thu 1:59 AM BBTAndy/Howard/Spencer/Amanda marveling at how much they've opened up to people with stories thay don't tell everyone in real life NT - HumblePie

Thu 1:58 AM BBTAndy comments that one of the great things about BB is you get to know all sorts of people you wouldn’t usually come - kalicush

in contact with and you get to know each other really well. They all discuss how quickly you get to know people in the house, something that could take years on the outside.

Thu 1:58 AM BBTJeremy asks how they would even know if Elissa is good at this game? McCrae says she has Rachel Reilly blood. Jeremy says his - HumblePie

brother would suck at this game and Elissa has already failed at intelligence & social gameplay. McCrae says that Rachel may have had one of the worst social games.

Thu 1:56 AM BBTJudd/Kaitlin/McCrae/Jeremy are talking. McCrae says he worries that if Aaryn were to win POV if she's up, Elissa could put up - HumblePie

David or whoever is close to her just to spite her. McCrae says he's worried that Elissa may be up his butt tomorrow and she cannot play in the POV tomorrow.

Thu 1:54 AM BBTAmanda, Andy, Howard & Spencer are hanging out in the kitchen talking about first impressions. Amanda asks Spencer what he - kalicush

thought of her at first and he says at first she had a rough exterior and he bets she hears from people who get to know her that she isn’t anything like they originally thought she was.

Spencer then tells Amanda that she seems like a complicated character which really surprises her. She thinks she is someone that puts it all out there.

Thu 1:51 AM BBTGinaMarie tells Kaitlin, Jeremy, McCrae and Judd goodnight and leaves them in the airplane lounge. They are discussing what is - kalicush

coming up: they’ll pick players for the Veto then play Veto.

Thu 1:51 AM BBTJessie wonders if the fight between Amanda & Elissa is fake. Candice doesn't know about a fight. NT - HumblePie

Thu 1:50 AM BBTMcCrae told both Jessie & Candice that he'd do what the house wanted with the nominations so they wonder why he didn't nom Elissa NT - HumblePie

Thu 1:47 AM BBTJessie says that maybe fans wouldn't agree with her but if you have money then stay the f*** out of this competition. NT - HumblePie

Thu 1:46 AM BBTJessie & Candice says that really sucks for Elissa. Candice says she really likes her. Jessie says she feels like Elissa isn't - HumblePie

enjoying this like anyone else is. Candice wonders if Elissa gets money for being there a certain amount of weeks. Jessie points out that Elissa's husband drives a Lotus which is a $2 million car. FISH.

Thu 1:44 AM BBTCandice tells Jessie that Jeremy charged up to the HOH and asked McRae in front of everyone if he was going to BD Elissa & McRae - HumblePie

said yes. Jessie says that makes her feel better but she wonders why he'd (Jeremy) do that. FISH

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