Thursday, March 3, 2016

Survivor thoughts

As it hit me again I missed the show once again lol so I got updates and sites to help me some along the way. I see two tribal councils last night wow wow and first one to go was Jenny and second one was Liz & Liz if that is said right? 

There is one person I want gone and he was snobby the first day I seen him he is a young guy and tall but for the love of god can't remember his  name :) joy joy lol!

Well we shall see how the rest of this season goes and will catch up more on the show/s so I can watch them again see what happens when you have dental work during a season lol ! Being on antibiotics to which thankfully I am about done !

So on that fun note everyone may your day or evening be awesome one where ever in the world you may live and be kind to one another how refreshing would that be :)



Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016 Live Recap: Week 3 – Super Idol Time!
Posted By: Gossip & Gabon: In: Featured, TelevisionNo Comments
A new twist is coming to Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016 tonight, as the castaways on Survivor Season 32 will be on the hunt for the Hidden Immunity Idol. However, there will be a special twist: Super Idol and the ability to combine two idols together for even more powers on Survivor 2016! Check it out with us tonight during our Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016 Live Recap and see who went home on Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016 tonight!
Last week on Survivor Season 32, we saw a budding friendship start between Tai and Caleb on the Beauty Tribe. Over on the Brawn Tribe, they can’t seem to win and Jason and Scot seem like douchebags and calling Alecia “Blondie” and she needs to go. While they were napping, Alecia worked over five hours to start a fire for the camp and she did it! The ability to cook food didn’t matter, as the Brawn Tribe lost the Immunity Challenge again and headed to Tribal Council, where the plan was to vote out Alecia. However, Jenny approached her and Cydney about an all-girl alliance. Then at Tribal, Jenny said that things were up in the air heading into Tribal, which Scot and Jason thought everything was set in stone. That was the coffin in her casket, as they switched to Jenny and she was voted off and Alecia survives again!
Our live recap is below, so follow along with Survivor Season 32 tonight right here!
Don’t want to know what happened on our Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016 Live Recap or see who went home on Survivor Season 32 tonight? Then don’t read ahead!

CAMP – The Brawn Tribe is back at camp after Tribal and Scot said he wrote down Alecia’s name because he told Jenny he would never write her name down and knew she was going home, so he was being loyal. Alecia doesn’t buy it and tells Cydney that he needs to go home. Alecia thinks Cydney is with her, but she is with the guys and now Scot is worried Alecia holds the cards in the tribe.
Over on the Beauty Tribe, Tai headed out and was determined to find that Hidden Immunity Idol. He finally gets the key and map to where it is and finds it and we find out about the Super Idol: which if they combine two Hidden Immunity Idols together to form one, then they can use it AFTER the votes are read to save someone!
On the Brains Tribe, Peter and Liz are trying to think of a plan going forward, as to go with Joe and Dabbie or Neil and Aubry. They think they are calling the shots, but Debbie said that Peter is an asset and they need him for challenges and Liz needs to go. So, Debbie gets with Joe and said they need Liz to be voted off and they need to get to Aubry and Neil before they do! Debbie is a little loopy, but I think she is smart and working her angles without anyone realizing it on Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016!
Now the Beauty Tribe needs food, so they are killing a chicken! Tai is not okay with this and having issues with it. He gets emotional once they kill it. The girls feel upset about Tai being upset and Nick said he’ll be fine, so this starts a campaign to get rid of Nick. On the Brawn Tribe, Alecia and Cydney are out and Alecia finds the Hidden Immunity Idol clue. They start digging and can’t get it, so Alecia goes to find a hoe to help dig. However, Jason was watching them! Cydney found it, but can’t open the lock on the box. She covers it up when Alecia gets back and they go to camp. So, at camp, Cydney told them Alecia found the clue and Jason goes on the hunt. He totally finds the clue and then gets the key and now he has a Hidden Immunity Idol that he stole right away from Alecia on Survivor 2016!
IMMUNITY CHALLENGE – For this challenge, they will swim out to a boat and retrieve three bags of rice. They push it through a fence and then over a balance beam. Once on the beach, they will go through the bag to find three balls. They then move the balls up this wall-of-holes maze. First two tribes with all three balls in place, win immunity and third place goes to Tribal Council on Survivor Season 32. There are two rewards up for grabs: comfort items for camp or their emotional items, which they brought to remind them of why they are here! First team done gets to choose which one they want and the second place tribe gets the other reward.
The tribes get started and we have the Beauty Tribe off to a big early lead. They have all three balls and Julia nails it the first time and they get their first ball. Brawn and Brains both have their balls and working on the balls. Cydney sucks it up and can’t get the hang of it, so she sits down and Jason tries. Beauty Tribe owned this one, as they get all three balls and the other tribes only have one! Now it is tied 2-2 and it comes down to Debbie and Cydney! Um, why would you bring Cydney back if she sucked the first time??? This one is literally neck and neck and they both are trying to get that last ball in, but Cydney gets it first and they get second place and the Brains Tribe is headed to Tribal Council! Beauty takes the comfort items and Brawn gets the emotional items.
CAMP – Now who will they vote off? Liz and Peter think it is Neil going home and they are spreading lies that Neil has an idol. Peter thinks him and Liz are calling the shots and are pretty and have nice smiles. The others are clay and they are molding them. Aubry is done with Peter and wants to vote him out over Liz. She goes to Debbie with that and they don’t want to keep him too long and screw the over later on. So, is it Peter or Liz going tonight on Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016???
TRIBAL COUNCIL – Peter said him and Liz clicked right away and they clicked with Neil & Aubry and Debbie & Joe are together, so three voting blocks. Debbie said they are all thinking things and no emotions. Aubry said social reactions play into it, which Peter said he is great at reading because he is an ER doctor. Peter said that Joe is a cop and Army and he trusts him. Jeff said that the last time we did Brains vs. Brawn vs Beauty, Tony won and he was a cop and lied the whole time! Now Peter puts it all out there and pretty much said that Neil is going home. Peter is so conceited and thinks he is safe and this is going to be a HUGE blindside, as they start the vote! Jeff tallies the votes and no idol is played!
VOTES – Aubry, Aubry, Peter, Peter, Liz and Liz! It is a tie and we vote again! Aubry, Liz and Peter can’t vote.
SECOND VOTE – Liz and Liz, so she is voted off tonight! I so wanted it to be Peter, but he has no one now. The confidence is gone, huh?
What do you think of the results on Survivor 2016 tonight?
Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016 Live Recap: Week 3 – Super Idol ...
A new twist is coming to Survivor Kaoh Rong 2016 tonight, as the castaways on Survivor Season 32 will be on the hunt for the Hidden Immunity Idol. However, there...

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