DING DONG the Wicked Witch GOT THE BOOT! I am sorry I do not like Abi at all she is has not changed she claimed she had but she had not and excuse of people saying things about her brought it out really? You show people you are above that and do not listen and prove them wrong.
Okay your sometimes think in the game its harder than you think but you can do it because everything you decided while out there in the game is all up to you no one else. IMO
Then her comments through out the whole game up to her being voted out. My final three I am hoping for now is Keith,Spencer & Kimmi and Kimmi doesn't make it then or one of them then Jeremy .
Oh yes then in a interview Abi said that Tasha should of drowned? REALLY this young woman is not well I am sorry she is sick IMO and I Hope to god they never bring Abi back for any future games.
Link to Abi ponderosa and a link to her comment about Tasha.
Abi Ponderosa
Link to story about Abi and her comment about Tasha.
Abi comment about Tasha
So on that note be kind to one another may your day or evening be a wonderful one where ever in the world you may live.
Reality TV Remix is my blog place where I will share things from movies,80s music, reality TV Shows . Place to read and for me to share my thoughts on whatever is on my mind. So please enjoy,comment when your able to and most of all have fun to!
Leave me a comment love to hear from everyone . NO bashing or flaming will be allowed here and lets act our age and not our shoe size. I will ban and block anyone who can't not follow these simple rules.
TV Reality Mom
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Powerful emotional episode IMO of Survivor and now Joe voted out :(
All I can say was last nights show was powerful and emotional I cried when Joe passed out that right there showed me this young man fought in this game till he couldn't anymore he tried. I am not happy with some of the remarks made by Abi at all towards Joe at tribal at all what she said and did was so uncalled for and so very immature.
She claims to have changed uh no she has not at all IMO and I really want her out or they can just take her to the end but she will not win this game if she thinks she will no she will not . I don't like this girl alliance trying to go on the way its going anyhow how it started. I had so much respect for Kimmi to and I still do somewhat but how she is going about this girls thing is just dumb and this is my opinion on that.
Immunity and I could taste it for Joe till he just suddenly collapsed like that and it was only his blood sugar that had dropped so I am glad he is better. Got to see his journey into Poderosa and the link for it I have right here for everyone to see. It was awesome and I am so glad that all was happy to see him and hugged him.
Joes Journey into Poderosa
So on this note may you all be kind to another and may your day or night be awesome one where ever in the world you may live.
She claims to have changed uh no she has not at all IMO and I really want her out or they can just take her to the end but she will not win this game if she thinks she will no she will not . I don't like this girl alliance trying to go on the way its going anyhow how it started. I had so much respect for Kimmi to and I still do somewhat but how she is going about this girls thing is just dumb and this is my opinion on that.
Immunity and I could taste it for Joe till he just suddenly collapsed like that and it was only his blood sugar that had dropped so I am glad he is better. Got to see his journey into Poderosa and the link for it I have right here for everyone to see. It was awesome and I am so glad that all was happy to see him and hugged him.
Joes Journey into Poderosa
So on this note may you all be kind to another and may your day or night be awesome one where ever in the world you may live.
Friday, November 27, 2015
Saved then voted himself out WOW LOL!! Survivor thoughts this week OH MY HA HA!!
"Jeff I am going to use my advantage and take Joe's vote away from him"!! Then I am going to shoot myself in the foot by voting myself out ha ha omg that was the best show I've seen in awhile!! Fishbach pretty much voted himself out second round and his buddy Jeremy what was he thinking using his idol on him which was a total waste and put a target on Jeremy back big time IMO to.
First vote was to Ciera who well I like the girl but I am glad she is now in jury. Now they need to vote out Abi next week and how she is still there don't know. I was glad that Kelli found the idol again I do like her no matter what some may say she is playing the game this time and pretty well same with Joe. Joe you may want out I don't he is playing and he is playing well this time around to.
People say they want to see Joe out well he sure stayed this last time second tribal without the immunity necklace to. So he is doing something right and playing this game well. Jeremy needs to go soon to sorry dude but after playing that idol on Fishback uh you lost me sorry. Stephen was starting to go down hill with his feet and cold and not looking well for one & always plotting trying to at least never really won anything except that award challenge but that was it then picking Tasha first uh okay made a few suspicious specially almost Jeremy to who thought he wasn't going to be picked. But he did pick him took him as well for saving him the last tribal which hey he did save his ass but why IMO it was a mistake and waste of the idol.
So on that note for now I was glad to see Kass stopped with the flipping off people lol they must of talked to her or she just realized it was a waste of time and making her look not to good .
Happy Thanksgiving to you all may your day or evening where ever in the world you may live be a great one and be kind to one another we could use more of all of us just being kind getting along ...
Survivor Double eviction night
Jeremy knows he has work to do after he, Stephen and Spencer blindsided Kelly. He especially knows that Tasha is going to be upset. Tasha isn't happy that she wasn't part of the majority voting bloc, and she'll let it slide this time, but she's not about to let it happen again.
Another person who is pretty upset about what happened is Joe. His closest ally in the game is gone now so he knows he needs to keep winning immunity.
The rain continues through the night and the next day which is really putting a cramp in Ciera's game. She wants more one-on-one conversations with people, but instead, everyone is just struck inside the shelter.
Everyone's complaining about the poor conditions except for Keith. He'd stay out here in the cold and rain for another 50 days for a million dollars, no matter how pruney his feet and hands get.
Playing for Relief
The ten remaining Survivors are split into two groups of five. Three people from each team will try to score a basket for their team while the other three try to stop them. The first team to make three baskets wins a getaway trip that will include spending time with a roof over their heads and plenty of food.
The Pink team is Joe, Ciera, Spencer, Tasha and Abi and the Blue team is Jeremy, Keith, Kimmi, Kelley and Stephen.
Joe pretty much dominates the challenge, throwing people around like they weighed more than rag dolls. He and Spencer score for Pink, and while Jeremy manages to score for Blue, Tasha puts in the final basket for Pink to win reward.
At the reward, Spencer says that it's almost as important to win reward challenges as it does to win immunity challenges. It helps your moral, it gets you fed, it gets you ready for immunity challenges, and most importantly, it helps you work on your relationships in the game.
Ciera does her thing and pitches to the rest of them that Stephen should be the next to go home, because with his advantage, he's the most powerful person in the game. Joe hasn't forgotten how Stephen targeted him before so he's completely on board with this plan. Spencer and Tasha don't seem as convinced.
Back at camp, everyone is so miserable, but they have time to talk about who they want gone next too. They all think that Joe needs to be stopped at the next immunity challenge and should go home. Now, someone just needs to actually beat him.
Some people are struggling with the weather more than others. Poor Stephen is dealing with stomach issues on top of the cold and the rain. And Kimmi tries to draw strength from her kids. If her son can deal with being in the hospital for 49 days dealing with a kidney disease, then she can tough out this weather.
White Rock/Black Rock
Before we get to the challenge, Jeff gives each person a white rock and a black rock. Then he tells them the challenge for immunity is to balance on one foot on a small block of wood while balancing a ball against an overhanging piece of wood. But the twist is, if five people choose to give up their spot in the challenge, a construction crew will build them a new shelter with a roof and a place for the fire in the center. If they want to sit out the challenge, they'll show Jeff their white rock, and if they want to play, they show the black.
Everyone chooses to sit out the challenge, except Joe and Keith. Keith is stunned that it's on him alone to beat Joe. And Joe knows he didn't really have a choice in the matter.
Things go pretty quickly considering there are only two people. Keith's ball slips and Joe wins his fourth challenge in a row.
Loser Scramble
Everyone's happy to come back to a nice shelter, a roaring fire and even tea and cookies, but Spencer says it will be short-lived for someone who chose to sit out and won't be around to enjoy the luxury of their new camp.
Stephen talks to Jeremy and Kimmi. He thinks that Ciera needs to be the next one to go because she's too dangerous. He thinks he can work with Kimmi and Kelley, but Ciera's just too sneaky to keep around.
Ciera's plan, on the other hand, is to vote out Stephen. She thinks she can get Keith and Joe on board to blindside Stephen. But just in case he tries to play his advantage, even though they don't know what it is, the Witches are going to throw a couple of votes Kimmi's way.
Old Cagayan friends, Spencer and Tasha, check in. Tasha's not eager to vote with the Witches because she thinks it will give Ciera too much power. But Spencer doesn't trust Stephen and wants to see him out.
Jeremy meanwhile is not okay with voting out Stephen. He's his closest ally in the game. He also doesn't want Ciera and the Witches gaining any more traction.
Tribal Council #1
Everyone talks about how terrible the weather's been. Kelley says it's the lowest she's ever felt and Stephen complains of being sick.
Ciera says she made the decision she made because she wanted to show that she was willing to sacrifice to make her tribe stronger. Tasha says she wouldn't be able to live herself if she made the "selfish" decision. Joe says he wasn't in the position to make the "unselfish" decision, because he knows if he didn't win immunity he'd be gone.
Spencer says he thinks Keith is safe from the vote, and that means that someone who opted out of the challenge made a million dollar mistake, and that will be a bitter pill to swallow.
Stephen thinks the voting blocs are so unpredictable because everyone's just trying to do what's best for them for the next couple of days. That said, he's not sure what's going to happen tonight, but it will probably be a blindside.
To the Vote!
Abi votes for Stephen, but the rest of the votes are hidden.
Before the vote, Jeremy tells Jeff that he's playing his idol for Stephen because it comes down to who he can trust moving forward. Stephen is stunned, and he's even more stunned to see his name written down so many times. The idol negates the majority of the votes and his ass is saved for tonight.
Jeremy, Stephen and Kimmi all voted for Ciera so she's sent home. She's obviously bummed, but she knew that she was asking people to play the game, and the irony isn't lost on her that they finally started playing and she went home because of it.
Idol Fallout
Kimmi thinks it was classy of Jeremy to play his idol for his ally. I'm sure Jeremy hopes the jury sees it that way, too.
Stephen pulls Jeremy aside to thank him and says he's with him until the end. Jeremy is glad that now he has a rock solid ally in the game who will take him to the end. Not to mention he has some wiggle room with his second idol.
Jeremy tells Spencer that he would have done the same thing for Jeremy if he had needed to. But Spencer feels like Jeremy pulled a fast one on him and he doesn't trust him as much as he did before.
Stephen is annoyed with himself for being so out of the loop, especially since he is a self-proclaimed Survivor "Know It All." The problem, is he's playing against a bunch of other expert players this time, unlike the amateurs in his original season (cough, the Dragon Slayer, cough). Add to that, he's feeling physically beat. His feet are swollen and he hasn't eaten or slept in days and he's in general feeling overwhelmed by it all.
'Survivor' Folklore
We're really throwing it back for this reward challenge. It's a Survivor Folklore challenge, done commonly on the earliest seasons. Jeff reads a story about Cambodian history and then the Survivors have to race through the jungle to answer questions about the story. If they get an answer right, they get a gold medallion. Thew first person to get five medallions will win the reward. The winner will be picked up in a chopper and brought to a resort where they will get to eat, relax and spend time at the spa.
To make things even more interesting, there's a clue to the hidden immunity idol mixed in with the medallions.
Stephen and Spencer are in the lead, dominating the challenge, which makes a lot of sense. On the other hand, Joe can't get a single answer right.
It's Kelley who gets the clue to the hidden immunity idol. Talk about lucky! It could have been anyone to grab the clue and she ends up with her second idol clue of the season.
The race continues between Spencer and Stephen. Stephen even sabotages Abi while she's at the same station as he, which is funny, but also rude. Spencer is wrong on his last medallion which leaves Stephen room to come in for the win.
Stephen gets to pick two people to go on the reward with him. He chooses Tasha because he needs to repair his alliance with her and he chooses Jeremy to repay him for playing his idol. Spencer thinks it's a questionable decision. Now, he thinks that the three of them are closer and he's on the outs.
During the reward, Stephen makes it clear to Tasha and Jeremy that they can trust each other so they can be solid all the way to the end. He tells them about his advantage, and while Tasha feels good about working with these two, she's worried that Joe will continue to win. They agree that Joe has to be the next one to go. It's a conversation that happens nearly every day... and then Joe wins immunity again. Maybe they should have a backup plan?
Back at camp, as soon as Kimmi leaves, the rest of the group agree that Stephen has to go next, speaking of deja vu. Abi is worried that if Stephen plays his advantage, she could be the one to go home. She tries to convince Joe to let her win immunity, which is laughable, but it was worth a shot.
Kelley isn't bummed that she's not going on reward, because now she has a clue to another idol. It's underneath the shelter, but she can't find it at night. The next day, she has to wait for everyone to leave before she can go after it, but Abi won't leave the camp! Finally, she leaves to go lie in the hammock and Kelley takes her chance to snag the idol. So Kelley Wentworth has yet another idol! Those San Juan del Sur folks sure are cleaning up when it comes to idols this season.
Nine Little Piggies Played 'Survivor'
For the second immunity challenge of the evening, the Survivors have to build blocks in three platforms and place a flag in the center of their blocks using only their feet. The first person to place their flag wins immunity. Not only did Jeremy lose this challenge on his season, but he went home at the following Tribal Council. Ouch.
Kelley and Abi are the first to release their bricks followed one-by-one by the rest of them. Spencer is the last to get his blocks and Stephen is hopeless at building with his poor, swollen feet. Even Jeff can't help but laugh at his monster feet.
Soon, it's a race between Spencer and Joe. It's intense, but Spencer finally manages to knock of the king of immunity challenges for his first immunity win of the season.
For the first time, Joe will be vulnerable at tonight's Tribal, and that's a scary thing for him.
To Scramble or Not to Scramble
Joe apparently isn't scared enough to do any scrambling. He doesn't exactly trust his plan with Spencer and Kelley to blindside Stephen, but that's his only game plan right now.
Stephen says that it's finally time to pounce on Joe, now that he's not immune. But he's worried that he may have an idol so he, Kimmi, Tasha and Jeremy are going to use his advantage to split the votes between Joe and Abi.
All should go according to Kelley and Spencer's plan except there's one wildcard: Abi-Maria. She doesn't trust Joe and she wants him gone. Both Kelley and Spencer try their hands at training the wild Abi, but she says she hasn't made up her mind just yet.
Tribal Council #2
Jeff starts off by pointing out the obvious; for the first time since the merge, Joe doesn't have immunity. He says all he can do is hope that people who say they're voting with him are telling the truth, but if not, he's ready to go home.
Abi says that there are alliances, and that everything comes down to trust. Tasha thinks the whole "voting bloc" systems is out the window and you need a core of three or four to be solid with in order to succeed.
Stephen knows there is a target on his back since his tribe clearly tried to vote him out at the previous Tribal. Spencer says that there a ton of different things that could happen considering idols, advantages, alliances and/or voting blocs, so he's doesn't really know what's going to happen. But what he does know is that it will probably be another blindside.
Stephen announces that he's playing his advantage. He tells Jeff he's stealing Joe's vote, which means Joe won't get to vote, and Stephen will vote twice.
With his two votes, he splits them between Joe and Abi. Which turns out to be a mistake because the majority votes for Stephen. Had he not split the votes and placed both of them on Abi (or had his whole alliance placed their votes on Joe), Stephen wouldn't be the one blindsided. But he is.
So, Joe somehow manages to lose immunity and then only get two votes. I would never have thought that a possibility. But it's still probably his best game plan to just keep winning going forward.
Next week: It's the loved ones visit. And it looks like someone gets hurt in a challenge.
First vote was to Ciera who well I like the girl but I am glad she is now in jury. Now they need to vote out Abi next week and how she is still there don't know. I was glad that Kelli found the idol again I do like her no matter what some may say she is playing the game this time and pretty well same with Joe. Joe you may want out I don't he is playing and he is playing well this time around to.
People say they want to see Joe out well he sure stayed this last time second tribal without the immunity necklace to. So he is doing something right and playing this game well. Jeremy needs to go soon to sorry dude but after playing that idol on Fishback uh you lost me sorry. Stephen was starting to go down hill with his feet and cold and not looking well for one & always plotting trying to at least never really won anything except that award challenge but that was it then picking Tasha first uh okay made a few suspicious specially almost Jeremy to who thought he wasn't going to be picked. But he did pick him took him as well for saving him the last tribal which hey he did save his ass but why IMO it was a mistake and waste of the idol.
So on that note for now I was glad to see Kass stopped with the flipping off people lol they must of talked to her or she just realized it was a waste of time and making her look not to good .
Happy Thanksgiving to you all may your day or evening where ever in the world you may live be a great one and be kind to one another we could use more of all of us just being kind getting along ...
Survivor Double eviction night
'Survivor: Cambodia' Recap: Double the Blindsides, Double the Fun
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
After all the rain the contestants have been dealing with on Survivor: Cambodia, Kelly Wiglesworth
was probably a little relieved to be sent to the jury after last week's
vote. Unfortunately, for everyone else, it doesn't look like it's
letting up any time soon. Let's hope for their sake they can keep their
heads in the game and persevere through it.
Jeremy knows he has work to do after he, Stephen and Spencer blindsided Kelly. He especially knows that Tasha is going to be upset. Tasha isn't happy that she wasn't part of the majority voting bloc, and she'll let it slide this time, but she's not about to let it happen again.
Another person who is pretty upset about what happened is Joe. His closest ally in the game is gone now so he knows he needs to keep winning immunity.
The rain continues through the night and the next day which is really putting a cramp in Ciera's game. She wants more one-on-one conversations with people, but instead, everyone is just struck inside the shelter.
Everyone's complaining about the poor conditions except for Keith. He'd stay out here in the cold and rain for another 50 days for a million dollars, no matter how pruney his feet and hands get.
Playing for Relief
The ten remaining Survivors are split into two groups of five. Three people from each team will try to score a basket for their team while the other three try to stop them. The first team to make three baskets wins a getaway trip that will include spending time with a roof over their heads and plenty of food.
The Pink team is Joe, Ciera, Spencer, Tasha and Abi and the Blue team is Jeremy, Keith, Kimmi, Kelley and Stephen.
Joe pretty much dominates the challenge, throwing people around like they weighed more than rag dolls. He and Spencer score for Pink, and while Jeremy manages to score for Blue, Tasha puts in the final basket for Pink to win reward.
At the reward, Spencer says that it's almost as important to win reward challenges as it does to win immunity challenges. It helps your moral, it gets you fed, it gets you ready for immunity challenges, and most importantly, it helps you work on your relationships in the game.
Ciera does her thing and pitches to the rest of them that Stephen should be the next to go home, because with his advantage, he's the most powerful person in the game. Joe hasn't forgotten how Stephen targeted him before so he's completely on board with this plan. Spencer and Tasha don't seem as convinced.
Back at camp, everyone is so miserable, but they have time to talk about who they want gone next too. They all think that Joe needs to be stopped at the next immunity challenge and should go home. Now, someone just needs to actually beat him.
Some people are struggling with the weather more than others. Poor Stephen is dealing with stomach issues on top of the cold and the rain. And Kimmi tries to draw strength from her kids. If her son can deal with being in the hospital for 49 days dealing with a kidney disease, then she can tough out this weather.
White Rock/Black Rock
Before we get to the challenge, Jeff gives each person a white rock and a black rock. Then he tells them the challenge for immunity is to balance on one foot on a small block of wood while balancing a ball against an overhanging piece of wood. But the twist is, if five people choose to give up their spot in the challenge, a construction crew will build them a new shelter with a roof and a place for the fire in the center. If they want to sit out the challenge, they'll show Jeff their white rock, and if they want to play, they show the black.
Everyone chooses to sit out the challenge, except Joe and Keith. Keith is stunned that it's on him alone to beat Joe. And Joe knows he didn't really have a choice in the matter.
Things go pretty quickly considering there are only two people. Keith's ball slips and Joe wins his fourth challenge in a row.
Loser Scramble
Everyone's happy to come back to a nice shelter, a roaring fire and even tea and cookies, but Spencer says it will be short-lived for someone who chose to sit out and won't be around to enjoy the luxury of their new camp.
Stephen talks to Jeremy and Kimmi. He thinks that Ciera needs to be the next one to go because she's too dangerous. He thinks he can work with Kimmi and Kelley, but Ciera's just too sneaky to keep around.
Ciera's plan, on the other hand, is to vote out Stephen. She thinks she can get Keith and Joe on board to blindside Stephen. But just in case he tries to play his advantage, even though they don't know what it is, the Witches are going to throw a couple of votes Kimmi's way.
Old Cagayan friends, Spencer and Tasha, check in. Tasha's not eager to vote with the Witches because she thinks it will give Ciera too much power. But Spencer doesn't trust Stephen and wants to see him out.
Jeremy meanwhile is not okay with voting out Stephen. He's his closest ally in the game. He also doesn't want Ciera and the Witches gaining any more traction.
Tribal Council #1
Everyone talks about how terrible the weather's been. Kelley says it's the lowest she's ever felt and Stephen complains of being sick.
Ciera says she made the decision she made because she wanted to show that she was willing to sacrifice to make her tribe stronger. Tasha says she wouldn't be able to live herself if she made the "selfish" decision. Joe says he wasn't in the position to make the "unselfish" decision, because he knows if he didn't win immunity he'd be gone.
Spencer says he thinks Keith is safe from the vote, and that means that someone who opted out of the challenge made a million dollar mistake, and that will be a bitter pill to swallow.
Stephen thinks the voting blocs are so unpredictable because everyone's just trying to do what's best for them for the next couple of days. That said, he's not sure what's going to happen tonight, but it will probably be a blindside.
To the Vote!
Abi votes for Stephen, but the rest of the votes are hidden.
Before the vote, Jeremy tells Jeff that he's playing his idol for Stephen because it comes down to who he can trust moving forward. Stephen is stunned, and he's even more stunned to see his name written down so many times. The idol negates the majority of the votes and his ass is saved for tonight.
Jeremy, Stephen and Kimmi all voted for Ciera so she's sent home. She's obviously bummed, but she knew that she was asking people to play the game, and the irony isn't lost on her that they finally started playing and she went home because of it.
Idol Fallout
Kimmi thinks it was classy of Jeremy to play his idol for his ally. I'm sure Jeremy hopes the jury sees it that way, too.
Stephen pulls Jeremy aside to thank him and says he's with him until the end. Jeremy is glad that now he has a rock solid ally in the game who will take him to the end. Not to mention he has some wiggle room with his second idol.
Jeremy tells Spencer that he would have done the same thing for Jeremy if he had needed to. But Spencer feels like Jeremy pulled a fast one on him and he doesn't trust him as much as he did before.
Stephen is annoyed with himself for being so out of the loop, especially since he is a self-proclaimed Survivor "Know It All." The problem, is he's playing against a bunch of other expert players this time, unlike the amateurs in his original season (cough, the Dragon Slayer, cough). Add to that, he's feeling physically beat. His feet are swollen and he hasn't eaten or slept in days and he's in general feeling overwhelmed by it all.
'Survivor' Folklore
We're really throwing it back for this reward challenge. It's a Survivor Folklore challenge, done commonly on the earliest seasons. Jeff reads a story about Cambodian history and then the Survivors have to race through the jungle to answer questions about the story. If they get an answer right, they get a gold medallion. Thew first person to get five medallions will win the reward. The winner will be picked up in a chopper and brought to a resort where they will get to eat, relax and spend time at the spa.
To make things even more interesting, there's a clue to the hidden immunity idol mixed in with the medallions.
Stephen and Spencer are in the lead, dominating the challenge, which makes a lot of sense. On the other hand, Joe can't get a single answer right.
It's Kelley who gets the clue to the hidden immunity idol. Talk about lucky! It could have been anyone to grab the clue and she ends up with her second idol clue of the season.
The race continues between Spencer and Stephen. Stephen even sabotages Abi while she's at the same station as he, which is funny, but also rude. Spencer is wrong on his last medallion which leaves Stephen room to come in for the win.
Stephen gets to pick two people to go on the reward with him. He chooses Tasha because he needs to repair his alliance with her and he chooses Jeremy to repay him for playing his idol. Spencer thinks it's a questionable decision. Now, he thinks that the three of them are closer and he's on the outs.
During the reward, Stephen makes it clear to Tasha and Jeremy that they can trust each other so they can be solid all the way to the end. He tells them about his advantage, and while Tasha feels good about working with these two, she's worried that Joe will continue to win. They agree that Joe has to be the next one to go. It's a conversation that happens nearly every day... and then Joe wins immunity again. Maybe they should have a backup plan?
Back at camp, as soon as Kimmi leaves, the rest of the group agree that Stephen has to go next, speaking of deja vu. Abi is worried that if Stephen plays his advantage, she could be the one to go home. She tries to convince Joe to let her win immunity, which is laughable, but it was worth a shot.
Kelley isn't bummed that she's not going on reward, because now she has a clue to another idol. It's underneath the shelter, but she can't find it at night. The next day, she has to wait for everyone to leave before she can go after it, but Abi won't leave the camp! Finally, she leaves to go lie in the hammock and Kelley takes her chance to snag the idol. So Kelley Wentworth has yet another idol! Those San Juan del Sur folks sure are cleaning up when it comes to idols this season.
Nine Little Piggies Played 'Survivor'
For the second immunity challenge of the evening, the Survivors have to build blocks in three platforms and place a flag in the center of their blocks using only their feet. The first person to place their flag wins immunity. Not only did Jeremy lose this challenge on his season, but he went home at the following Tribal Council. Ouch.
Kelley and Abi are the first to release their bricks followed one-by-one by the rest of them. Spencer is the last to get his blocks and Stephen is hopeless at building with his poor, swollen feet. Even Jeff can't help but laugh at his monster feet.
Soon, it's a race between Spencer and Joe. It's intense, but Spencer finally manages to knock of the king of immunity challenges for his first immunity win of the season.
For the first time, Joe will be vulnerable at tonight's Tribal, and that's a scary thing for him.
To Scramble or Not to Scramble
Joe apparently isn't scared enough to do any scrambling. He doesn't exactly trust his plan with Spencer and Kelley to blindside Stephen, but that's his only game plan right now.
Stephen says that it's finally time to pounce on Joe, now that he's not immune. But he's worried that he may have an idol so he, Kimmi, Tasha and Jeremy are going to use his advantage to split the votes between Joe and Abi.
All should go according to Kelley and Spencer's plan except there's one wildcard: Abi-Maria. She doesn't trust Joe and she wants him gone. Both Kelley and Spencer try their hands at training the wild Abi, but she says she hasn't made up her mind just yet.
Tribal Council #2
Jeff starts off by pointing out the obvious; for the first time since the merge, Joe doesn't have immunity. He says all he can do is hope that people who say they're voting with him are telling the truth, but if not, he's ready to go home.
Abi says that there are alliances, and that everything comes down to trust. Tasha thinks the whole "voting bloc" systems is out the window and you need a core of three or four to be solid with in order to succeed.
Stephen knows there is a target on his back since his tribe clearly tried to vote him out at the previous Tribal. Spencer says that there a ton of different things that could happen considering idols, advantages, alliances and/or voting blocs, so he's doesn't really know what's going to happen. But what he does know is that it will probably be another blindside.
Stephen announces that he's playing his advantage. He tells Jeff he's stealing Joe's vote, which means Joe won't get to vote, and Stephen will vote twice.
With his two votes, he splits them between Joe and Abi. Which turns out to be a mistake because the majority votes for Stephen. Had he not split the votes and placed both of them on Abi (or had his whole alliance placed their votes on Joe), Stephen wouldn't be the one blindsided. But he is.
So, Joe somehow manages to lose immunity and then only get two votes. I would never have thought that a possibility. But it's still probably his best game plan to just keep winning going forward.
Next week: It's the loved ones visit. And it looks like someone gets hurt in a challenge.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
The Witches Coven hmm like that :) Thoughts on Surivor
Last night last night OMGOSH REALLY?? Why in gods name didn't they vote out one of the witches??? Kelli did not need to go I wanted Wiggles in the game longer. Maybe next week we shall see.
Though then again Kelli looked like she was freezing from the rain as all of them seemed to be mainly the girls IMO maybe didn't mind being voted out at least she got warm and fed that night to. I was worried when one of them said oh wait that was Keith saying they all have not really eaten in a few days and not much sleep. I can see that it shows.
I just hope to god Abi gets voted out here soon not make it to the final 3 please please say that will not happen!! My final three picks are Joe,Jeremy & Kimmi or Keith if not Jeremy .
I struggled to stay awake last night to lol but made it through the whole show and it was entertaining as always though one thing this stupid Flipping off everytime Kass comes into tribal needs to stop sorry its stupid and annoying now.
First time okay it was fine but every time please say it stops IMO it just seems she is being ignorant. I like Kass to I really do but she is acting like a 12 yr old little girl not getting her way or is that a younger child lol
So on that note be kind to one another may your day or evening be a great one and stay safe where ever you live its about to snow here first time this season where I live in Iowa so we are prepared for it somewhat ha ha!!
Though then again Kelli looked like she was freezing from the rain as all of them seemed to be mainly the girls IMO maybe didn't mind being voted out at least she got warm and fed that night to. I was worried when one of them said oh wait that was Keith saying they all have not really eaten in a few days and not much sleep. I can see that it shows.
I just hope to god Abi gets voted out here soon not make it to the final 3 please please say that will not happen!! My final three picks are Joe,Jeremy & Kimmi or Keith if not Jeremy .
I struggled to stay awake last night to lol but made it through the whole show and it was entertaining as always though one thing this stupid Flipping off everytime Kass comes into tribal needs to stop sorry its stupid and annoying now.
First time okay it was fine but every time please say it stops IMO it just seems she is being ignorant. I like Kass to I really do but she is acting like a 12 yr old little girl not getting her way or is that a younger child lol
So on that note be kind to one another may your day or evening be a great one and stay safe where ever you live its about to snow here first time this season where I live in Iowa so we are prepared for it somewhat ha ha!!
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Stick Foot in mouth and got to big for your pants ! Survivor thoughts
Well Savage I sorta saw this coming man sorry to you have seen you go but you did make jury now but on the other hand you were getting a bit to cocky out there IMO.
I was glad Kelli used her idol she found and saved herself though I wish that Stephen would of been the one going to jury last week. But that didn't happen sadly to say maybe soon I hope because his whining and crying and paranoia is getting annoying just saying . I mean this is survivor hello everyone is out there to win and when Woo when I was bummed and wished again that it had been Abie that had gone now she gets to go jury not looking forward.
There is going to be allot of whining on this group and some bitter but you know what those who made jury I say should be grateful they made it jury thus far and still in the game but not playing if that made sense. When they go on about there speeches they give when being asked questions at the time of the final 3 its like when they are asking them things and some get pissy about it I am thinking ' well you know what your just upset because your on the jury and not where that person is sitting because they outwit you and outplayed you' ...
So on that note looking forward to this weeks show sorry my posts are coming out close to the night before been busy holidays and family things going on all good now though :)
Be kind to one another and may your day or evening where ever in the world you may live be a beautiful one and one that you make for you and your loved ones .
I was glad Kelli used her idol she found and saved herself though I wish that Stephen would of been the one going to jury last week. But that didn't happen sadly to say maybe soon I hope because his whining and crying and paranoia is getting annoying just saying . I mean this is survivor hello everyone is out there to win and when Woo when I was bummed and wished again that it had been Abie that had gone now she gets to go jury not looking forward.
There is going to be allot of whining on this group and some bitter but you know what those who made jury I say should be grateful they made it jury thus far and still in the game but not playing if that made sense. When they go on about there speeches they give when being asked questions at the time of the final 3 its like when they are asking them things and some get pissy about it I am thinking ' well you know what your just upset because your on the jury and not where that person is sitting because they outwit you and outplayed you' ...
So on that note looking forward to this weeks show sorry my posts are coming out close to the night before been busy holidays and family things going on all good now though :)
Be kind to one another and may your day or evening where ever in the world you may live be a beautiful one and one that you make for you and your loved ones .
Thursday, November 5, 2015
Woo blindsided shocker and first Member of the Jury WOW!!
Woo got voted out last tribal council which was a really good blindside once again not expecting that at all. I guess Abie got her way and got back at him for writing her precious name down wha sorry but I don't like the girl much. I was also sad to see
leave like he did but his son was in the hospital and family is more important than the game. I wish him well and good wishes glad his son is btw doing better and made it .
As for Kass getting voted out last night was not to much of a shocker at all but wish it had been someone else like say oh Abie maybe. I am hoping she is voted out soon and doesn't make it to the final 3 . Right now my favorites for that is Keith, Joe and Jeremy or even Spencer to be honest. Not sure if I want Savage to make final 4 or 3 he has been trying to control this game and lies he said really what has he been doing telling the truth to anyone like say oh Spencer as he wanted to vote him out and maybe Joe.
I guess we shall see how the rest of this game turns out and I am really hoping that my final choices make it or at least one or two of them.
So on that note folks be kind to one another and may your evening or day be a great one!!
Terry Deitz |
As for Kass getting voted out last night was not to much of a shocker at all but wish it had been someone else like say oh Abie maybe. I am hoping she is voted out soon and doesn't make it to the final 3 . Right now my favorites for that is Keith, Joe and Jeremy or even Spencer to be honest. Not sure if I want Savage to make final 4 or 3 he has been trying to control this game and lies he said really what has he been doing telling the truth to anyone like say oh Spencer as he wanted to vote him out and maybe Joe.
I guess we shall see how the rest of this game turns out and I am really hoping that my final choices make it or at least one or two of them.
So on that note folks be kind to one another and may your evening or day be a great one!!
Thursday, October 22, 2015
Survivor blindsides this season WOW!
Well Varner got voted out week 4 and Monica week 5 wow! Now Varner I am not to surprised to be honest I liked him okay but he was way to old school IMO trying to fit in with the new school as they call it on the show just not sure he would of cut it for much longer anyhow.
Monica now I am glad she is gone after a few comments made by her she put foot in mouth IMO and she likes going to tribal council hmm made 3 people really thing about voting her out now didn't :)
So WHO will be next week I am hoping and praying sorry but Abi needs to go if they don't win immunity she is a lose cannon IMO as Monica was to in some ways though not as much as Abi.
I am really enjoying this season allot to and I think I have my favorites just not sure which ones I Know Joe of course is one of my favorites and Kass to she is much better this time around than last time.
Kelli Wentworth from San Juan del sur when she was on with her dad she was okay but this time I am not sure if I like her at all she is different. JMO on that but hey who knows.
So on that note is all I have for now folks hope your day or evening where ever in the world you may live is awesome and great. Be kind to one another need more of it in the world IMO :)
Monica now I am glad she is gone after a few comments made by her she put foot in mouth IMO and she likes going to tribal council hmm made 3 people really thing about voting her out now didn't :)
So WHO will be next week I am hoping and praying sorry but Abi needs to go if they don't win immunity she is a lose cannon IMO as Monica was to in some ways though not as much as Abi.
I am really enjoying this season allot to and I think I have my favorites just not sure which ones I Know Joe of course is one of my favorites and Kass to she is much better this time around than last time.
Kelli Wentworth from San Juan del sur when she was on with her dad she was okay but this time I am not sure if I like her at all she is different. JMO on that but hey who knows.
So on that note is all I have for now folks hope your day or evening where ever in the world you may live is awesome and great. Be kind to one another need more of it in the world IMO :)
Kelley Wentworth 29, Seattle, WA San Juan del Sur | Ta Keo | Ta Keo |
Jeff Varner 49, Greensboro, NC The Australian Outback | Ta Keo | Angkor | 4th Voted Out Day 11 | 4 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Monica Padilla 30, Queens, NY Samoa | Bayon | Bayon | 5th Voted Out Day 13 | 3 |
Friday, October 9, 2015
Survivor Shirin voted out #2 & Survivor Peih-Gee Law voted out #3 WOW WOW AND WOW is all I can say!!
Well Shirin voted out last week and sorry not sad to seen her go she is a nice person I am sure but I just don't know why they let her back for a second chance IMO. I am sorry this has taken a while to post folks I was sick for the last few weeks and finally finally over it thank god! So here I am a bit late I know :) but here to post my thoughts from the last few weeks or so.
Now seeing Peih Gee go OMG WTF are they thinking keeping Abi does she have some spell over these people or what?? I am sorry I do not like Abi she has not changed she is the same ole Abi from the past season she was on and I don't like her at all because she is so nasty and mean which is so sad that someone is like that but hey some people have so much mean in them and hate that they don't see straight again IMO.
I am hoping she gets voted out soon and what was Varner thinking lol! Or really I should say what is Savage thinking in his head!! Keeping Abi really dude I am sorry she is going to toss you under the bus chew you up and throw you away like nothing! I hope to god you all wake up and get her out before merge and before jury starts!!!
I am liking how the immunity idol though is hidden at immunity challenges though but not sure if I Like this 3 tribe thing but so far seems alright we shall see on that.
Anyhow, be kind to one another and may your day or evening were ever in the world you may live be a beautiful one.
Now seeing Peih Gee go OMG WTF are they thinking keeping Abi does she have some spell over these people or what?? I am sorry I do not like Abi she has not changed she is the same ole Abi from the past season she was on and I don't like her at all because she is so nasty and mean which is so sad that someone is like that but hey some people have so much mean in them and hate that they don't see straight again IMO.
I am hoping she gets voted out soon and what was Varner thinking lol! Or really I should say what is Savage thinking in his head!! Keeping Abi really dude I am sorry she is going to toss you under the bus chew you up and throw you away like nothing! I hope to god you all wake up and get her out before merge and before jury starts!!!
I am liking how the immunity idol though is hidden at immunity challenges though but not sure if I Like this 3 tribe thing but so far seems alright we shall see on that.
Anyhow, be kind to one another and may your day or evening were ever in the world you may live be a beautiful one.
Vytas Baskauskas 35, Santa Monica, CA Blood vs. Water | Ta Keo | 1st Voted Out Day 3 | 6 | ||
Shirin Oskooi 32, San Francisco, CA Worlds Apart | Ta Keo | 2nd Voted Out Day 6 | 5 | ||
Peih-Gee Law 37, San Francisco, CA China | Ta Keo | Angkor | 3rd Voted Out Day 9 | 4 |
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Survivor LOVED IT Season opener !!
Survivor Second Chance started out with a bang as always IMO!! It was fun watching them all being able to go and grab all they needed from the one boat and live chickens which I think they should keep to have eggs . Seeing them all race to get the rice was interesting and watching Woo of course getting the rice for his tribe.
I am already not liking once again Abi she has not changed at all IMO she is the same old mean and rude person sorry. Her temper is about to get to her from one of the previews for next week. I also wanted to know how the heck she knew that Peih took her precious bracelet OMG !! Really Abi how did you just guess out of the blue out of all the others that she had it but it was not her fault she did not take it since its called an accident and Peih grabbed the bag that she thought was empty and didn't possibly belong to anyone.
I wish it was Abi that went and not Vytas but he was acting way to flirty maybe with the girls not sure if he meant it or what he was trying to do and some of the things he started to do as well but then again nothing in compared to Abi behavior and they kept that over him.
So on that note I am hoping Abi is out and voted out soon before jury starts and yes I Know Survivor started just started but just hoping she goes before then.
I did like how they go right to tribal after immunity challenge that I liked allot not waiting and watching everyone talk it made it more fun IMO.
Enjoy your day and be kind to one another and may your day or evening be a great one where ever in the world you may live.
I am already not liking once again Abi she has not changed at all IMO she is the same old mean and rude person sorry. Her temper is about to get to her from one of the previews for next week. I also wanted to know how the heck she knew that Peih took her precious bracelet OMG !! Really Abi how did you just guess out of the blue out of all the others that she had it but it was not her fault she did not take it since its called an accident and Peih grabbed the bag that she thought was empty and didn't possibly belong to anyone.
I wish it was Abi that went and not Vytas but he was acting way to flirty maybe with the girls not sure if he meant it or what he was trying to do and some of the things he started to do as well but then again nothing in compared to Abi behavior and they kept that over him.
So on that note I am hoping Abi is out and voted out soon before jury starts and yes I Know Survivor started just started but just hoping she goes before then.
I did like how they go right to tribal after immunity challenge that I liked allot not waiting and watching everyone talk it made it more fun IMO.
Enjoy your day and be kind to one another and may your day or evening be a great one where ever in the world you may live.
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Big Brother Winner and Finale thoughts!!
Well folks Big Brother is ended another not to bad of a season I do have to admit. I was so happy with the winner though & that someone and I MEAN SOMEONE finally EVICTED VANESSA!! Yeah sure it happen on finale night but still it happen and about time.
Steve was our final HOH of the season and so happy that he won I really am. Though there were other members of the jury and non jury I wish were still in the game but it didn't work that way.
Vanessa telling everyone her big secret about being a poker player which I think explained to all of the people there how she played to be quite honest. Though she did play the game but IMO way way to hard. As James said once to her that she remembers every little detail of a conversation and things that go on in the house that she was playing way to hard.
So on that note I am glad Steve was our winner he deserved it and I was quite happy with his answers to the jury when asked how he played and if he road on coat tails no he really didn't he laid low our of radar but as Shelli did when it came down to him saving himself or something then he won Vetos and HOH .
Thanks everyone for a great season of Big Brother and now its off to Survivor talk so see you all in the next season of Big Brother next summer and Survivor will see you all on that topic.
Steve was our final HOH of the season and so happy that he won I really am. Though there were other members of the jury and non jury I wish were still in the game but it didn't work that way.
Vanessa telling everyone her big secret about being a poker player which I think explained to all of the people there how she played to be quite honest. Though she did play the game but IMO way way to hard. As James said once to her that she remembers every little detail of a conversation and things that go on in the house that she was playing way to hard.
So on that note I am glad Steve was our winner he deserved it and I was quite happy with his answers to the jury when asked how he played and if he road on coat tails no he really didn't he laid low our of radar but as Shelli did when it came down to him saving himself or something then he won Vetos and HOH .
Thanks everyone for a great season of Big Brother and now its off to Survivor talk so see you all in the next season of Big Brother next summer and Survivor will see you all on that topic.
Saturday, September 19, 2015
Oh John has left the big brother house !!
Well John has left the big brother house for the jury house. I was happy and not happy he left id much rather of seen Vanessa go but that didn't happen sad to say. I just hope that in the second round of the hoh they are doing right now that Steve wins because he won the second round against Liz so he will go head to head with Vanessa.
Now if he is smart and he wins the final HOH he will send out Vanessa and I maybe wishful thinking on that but really I am tired of how she cried her way through the whole game my gosh and everyone knew but fell for her act every time. I know I've said it but they had the chance to evict but they all went with Shelli .
So on that note I don't think Vanessa will win this even if Steve did take her or does. But then again who knows what will happen.
My post is short and sweet tonight everyone sorry have a bit of a cold not fun. So I a bid good night or good morning to those of you where ever in the world you may live. Be kind to all and good night to you all.
Big Brother leak twitter
Now if he is smart and he wins the final HOH he will send out Vanessa and I maybe wishful thinking on that but really I am tired of how she cried her way through the whole game my gosh and everyone knew but fell for her act every time. I know I've said it but they had the chance to evict but they all went with Shelli .
So on that note I don't think Vanessa will win this even if Steve did take her or does. But then again who knows what will happen.
My post is short and sweet tonight everyone sorry have a bit of a cold not fun. So I a bid good night or good morning to those of you where ever in the world you may live. Be kind to all and good night to you all.
Big Brother leak twitter
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Now that was a show ! Sorry Austin they had to do it man :(
Well you have to say you should of seen this coming and it did Austin you got evicted tonight barefoot to wow!! Now it came down to Liz, Vanessa, Steve,John. So Liz, Steve and John playing HOH who wins STEVE which I am shocked but glad he did because at least we know John and Steve are final two. So who will they evict Vanessa or Liz. I am hoping Vanessa goes next which could be tomorrow night we shall see.
So on that note tonights show was something else and big moves were made which I hate to say the show-manse with Liz and Austin had to end in the game.
On that note be kind to one another have a wonderful evening or day where ever in the world you may live.
From my house to yours I will say Good Night and good day to those who it is day time now. For me its night time.
So on that note tonights show was something else and big moves were made which I hate to say the show-manse with Liz and Austin had to end in the game.
On that note be kind to one another have a wonderful evening or day where ever in the world you may live.
From my house to yours I will say Good Night and good day to those who it is day time now. For me its night time.
Rumor is Austin was evicted and John is the new HoH. Tune in tonight to find out if it's true.
I hope its true I hope its true LOL!! Then Vanessa can follow right behind him to the jury house :))))
I hope its true I hope its true LOL!! Then Vanessa can follow right behind him to the jury house :))))
Tonight On Big Brother 17: Special Eviction & HoH Competition
Here is what I know about upcoming show for tonight just got my updates so enjoy and lets hope it was AUSTIN who walked out the door yesterday we shall see I guess.
Tonight On Big Brother 17: Special Eviction & HoH Competition
By: Matthew Boyer | September 15, 2015 at 11:15 AM EDT Don’t miss tonight’s special Big Brother 17 eviction episode on CBS at 8/7c when the Final 5 are knocked down to the last 4 Houseguests of the season and another player takes control.Yes, the BB17 schedule is shifting this week to Tuesday and Wednesday episodes, both at 8/7c, but no episode on Thursday night. If you don’t tune in tonight then you’re going to miss some big news.
Houseguests faced an eviction yesterday and the results of that vote are yet to be revealed, but we’ll soon know whether or not Austin or Steve was evicted. If Austin goes then that means Vanessa had to break a tie against him. If Steve goes then either John voted with Liz to keep Austin or he let it tie and Vanessa cast the deciding vote against one of her many F2 deals.
Tonight’s special episode won’t stop there though. Instead things will continue on and we’ll have a new Head of Household crowned with either Liz, John, or the surviving nominee taking over and locking down a F3 spot. That should wrap up tonight’s show at that point. Nominees and Veto will be part of Wednesday’s episode.
Feeds continue to be on blackout while we await tonight’s show and will then return after the west coast broadcast completes at 9PM PT (12AM ET). Once that happens we’ll see who was nominated (doesn’t really matter) and who won the Veto (very important).
What do you hope will happen on tonight’s show? Should Austin or Steve be evicted? What about the next HoH winner? Share your thoughts!
Pre Taped live audiance eviction night ! wonder who left Austin or Steve
When I first read John won POV I was so happy and he took himself off then that left Vanessa to put up Austin. I was rooting for Steve to leave if John stayed on the block but now since he is no longer on the block I want Austin to go sorry Austin. I think being in the big brother house has A made you go a bit overboard and the IMO the game is getting to you in the house and (B) I think you and Liz and everyone have controlled the game long enough and let it go to head.
So hoping that John wins HOH puts up oh say Vanessa and Liz and John or Steve win POV keep noms the same and get Vanessa OUT next. That will leave final three to be John,Steve and Liz. Now though the people Id much rather seen go further in the game like oh say Audrey to be one but she started to play way way to hard way to soon. Id much rather have seen Meg,James, Audrey or so at the end. Didn't work that way but this was interesting season I can say that much.
Though as much as Jason did allot of things to I did like him no matter how much I say he was getting on my nerves lol but I think some when they get in that house things change them and they don't mean to really per say but it happens.
So on that note may your day and evening where ever in the world you may live be awesome one.
BE KIND to one another and enjoy !
So hoping that John wins HOH puts up oh say Vanessa and Liz and John or Steve win POV keep noms the same and get Vanessa OUT next. That will leave final three to be John,Steve and Liz. Now though the people Id much rather seen go further in the game like oh say Audrey to be one but she started to play way way to hard way to soon. Id much rather have seen Meg,James, Audrey or so at the end. Didn't work that way but this was interesting season I can say that much.
Though as much as Jason did allot of things to I did like him no matter how much I say he was getting on my nerves lol but I think some when they get in that house things change them and they don't mean to really per say but it happens.
So on that note may your day and evening where ever in the world you may live be awesome one.
BE KIND to one another and enjoy !
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Sorry Julia!! Big Brother thoughts
Sorry Julia hated to see you go though sadly you and your sister needed to be broken up in the game. The only people now left in the house are Austin, Liz, Vanessa,John,Steve . The nominations were done already after Liz's trip out of the house for a concert from what I heard. She took Vanessa I guess figuring taking her would be best for her and Austins game so she will take them to the final 3. I am hoping John wins POV because him and Steve are on the block.
I want John to win POV take himself off then they would have to put up Liz and we know who will go anyhow is Steve in that case.
I want Vanessa out but I have to admit as much as she has manipulated everyone in the game and the week she was up they all had a chance to send her out but NO they keep her ugh so I am seeing her probably winning this game maybe
So on that note Sunday-Tuesday and Wed are the shows days they changed it for the rest of the remaining time of the game left. Survivor starts Sept. 23rd and I can not WAIT FOR this one and it looks good to. So time for Big Brother to come to an end shall see who wins this game most in the house I am not rooting for to much maybe John maybe Austin but not even sure on that.
So hope your day is great and your evening where ever in the world you may live is a beautiful one.
Be kind to each other
Spoiler who went on the Luxury trip and more
Vanessa is the new HoH and Liz won the Luxury trip outside of the house.
Liz got to leave the house for the day and take one other HG with her. She chose Vanessa as she promised to take whoever won the HoH competition. It seems Liz and Vanessa got to hang out with Frankie Grande and attend an Ariana Grande concert in L.A. When the feeds finally returned, Liz mentioned getting to talk to Frankie and how they had to wear disguises.. Vanessa also said they got drunk during the event. I'm not sure if that qualifies as a "once-in-a-lifetime experience" like Julie Chen said, though I can't imagine anyone wanting to do it twice.
When Mr. Pectacular showed up I joked about the show trying to make fans hate this season and now it's confirmed. Bringing back Frankie for a special luxury prize? Much like Battle of the Block, he's one of those HGs that the producers seem to think is a "fan favorite" even though, in reality, he's one of the most hated HGs of all-time. And now we'll have to be subjected to seeing more of him on the show this week.
Also, the nomination ceremony took place and, as I previously wrote about, Vanessa nominated John and Steve. The nomination ceremony took place late at night after Liz and Vanessa returned from their trip. Johnny Mac knows he's the target and the Power of Veto has yet to take place.
In a bit of a twist, Johnny Mac made an offer to Austin and Liz that he might throw the Power of Veto if they will break their word to Vanessa and keep him over Steve. It's a mind-boggling strategy, one he said he'd sleep on. Austin seemed more intrigued by the offer than Liz, but he's mostly just confused by such a bizarre and insane offer. Liz seems to think it's a bogus offer in case he loses PoV and he can say he threw it. At the very least, it's made Austin more wary of keeping Steve, because that benefits Vanessa more than him.
As always, Austin and Liz IMMEDIATELY told Vanessa about John's offer. She obviously liked the idea of him throwing it since him winning it is her worst-case scenario as she's promised Steve, Austin and Liz safety this week..
-This is John's eighth nomination. The only people who've been nominated more times are season 15's Spencer Clawson at nine and season 16's Victoria Rafaeli at 10.
-This is Steve's fifth nomination. Only 20 other people have ever been nominated that many times, including John and James this season.
-Steve is the ninth different person Vanessa has nominated this season, following James, John, Jeff, Clay, Becky, Jason, Meg and Julia. No one has ever nominated that many different HGs.
I want John to win POV take himself off then they would have to put up Liz and we know who will go anyhow is Steve in that case.
I want Vanessa out but I have to admit as much as she has manipulated everyone in the game and the week she was up they all had a chance to send her out but NO they keep her ugh so I am seeing her probably winning this game maybe
So on that note Sunday-Tuesday and Wed are the shows days they changed it for the rest of the remaining time of the game left. Survivor starts Sept. 23rd and I can not WAIT FOR this one and it looks good to. So time for Big Brother to come to an end shall see who wins this game most in the house I am not rooting for to much maybe John maybe Austin but not even sure on that.
So hope your day is great and your evening where ever in the world you may live is a beautiful one.
Be kind to each other
Spoiler who went on the Luxury trip and more
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Who Went on a Luxury Trip and Where Did They Go?
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Saturday, September 12, 2015
It was a busy Friday for the five remaining Big Brother 17
HGs. The live feeds were taken down for almost 16 hours and when they
returned, viewers could piece together what was happening inside (and
outside) the house.
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 17 spoilers. If you want to watch the live feeds and help support BuddyTV, sign up here.
SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 17 spoilers. If you want to watch the live feeds and help support BuddyTV, sign up here.
Vanessa is the new HoH and Liz won the Luxury trip outside of the house.
Liz got to leave the house for the day and take one other HG with her. She chose Vanessa as she promised to take whoever won the HoH competition. It seems Liz and Vanessa got to hang out with Frankie Grande and attend an Ariana Grande concert in L.A. When the feeds finally returned, Liz mentioned getting to talk to Frankie and how they had to wear disguises.. Vanessa also said they got drunk during the event. I'm not sure if that qualifies as a "once-in-a-lifetime experience" like Julie Chen said, though I can't imagine anyone wanting to do it twice.
When Mr. Pectacular showed up I joked about the show trying to make fans hate this season and now it's confirmed. Bringing back Frankie for a special luxury prize? Much like Battle of the Block, he's one of those HGs that the producers seem to think is a "fan favorite" even though, in reality, he's one of the most hated HGs of all-time. And now we'll have to be subjected to seeing more of him on the show this week.
Also, the nomination ceremony took place and, as I previously wrote about, Vanessa nominated John and Steve. The nomination ceremony took place late at night after Liz and Vanessa returned from their trip. Johnny Mac knows he's the target and the Power of Veto has yet to take place.
In a bit of a twist, Johnny Mac made an offer to Austin and Liz that he might throw the Power of Veto if they will break their word to Vanessa and keep him over Steve. It's a mind-boggling strategy, one he said he'd sleep on. Austin seemed more intrigued by the offer than Liz, but he's mostly just confused by such a bizarre and insane offer. Liz seems to think it's a bogus offer in case he loses PoV and he can say he threw it. At the very least, it's made Austin more wary of keeping Steve, because that benefits Vanessa more than him.
As always, Austin and Liz IMMEDIATELY told Vanessa about John's offer. She obviously liked the idea of him throwing it since him winning it is her worst-case scenario as she's promised Steve, Austin and Liz safety this week..
-This is John's eighth nomination. The only people who've been nominated more times are season 15's Spencer Clawson at nine and season 16's Victoria Rafaeli at 10.
-This is Steve's fifth nomination. Only 20 other people have ever been nominated that many times, including John and James this season.
-Steve is the ninth different person Vanessa has nominated this season, following James, John, Jeff, Clay, Becky, Jason, Meg and Julia. No one has ever nominated that many different HGs.
Friday, September 4, 2015
Meg & James both off to Jury :( Last nights show and thoughts
I am going to start out by saying no I WAS not happy to see James go last night and I knew he would when he lost the HOH comp and the veto comp as well. I knew the twins would target him they did and he left along with Meg last night. I don't know who I want to win now nor do I know if I want to root for anyone though I will still watch only because yes as annoying he maybe I like John and would not mind him and Steve maybe winning this. We shall only see since Steve won HOH this week and wants to put both twins or Austin and one of the twins and I hope to god he does.
I am now ready to see Survivor yes talking about Survivor on the Big Brother thoughts lol but that will be on as soon as Big Brother is over the same night and I can't wait looks like a good one to seen the commercial for it. I just hope they don't try to get Vanessa on Survivor or Austin ha ha that would be funny though but either one would not be able to stand the elements of the extreme situations they have to live in for the time they are out there.
So on that note not much more to say at the moment just wanted to get my thoughts out here been a busy week and busy weekend with Labor Day weekend here fun fun :)
So enjoy be kind to one another and may your day or evening where ever in the world you may live be a beautiful one and if not I wish you well and hope all becomes great!
Big Brother recap from Buddy TV
'Big Brother 17' Recap: The Second Live Double Eviction
Thursday, September 03, 2015
It feels like only yesterday that Shelli and Jackie went to the jury house in the first double eviction of Big Brother 17.
Actually it was three weeks ago, but it's still a little crazy that
we're already facing another double eviction. Julia and Meg are on the
block and before the night is over, one of them and another HG will be
heading to the jury house.
Interestingly, three of the last four double evictions have featured two women getting voted out (Amanda/Elissa in season 15, Nicole/Christine in season 16 and Shelli/Jackie earlier this season). Could that trend continue, leaving five women in the jury house and all four men still in the game? Or will a guy finally get eliminated for the first time since Clay?
BUT FIRST...this is my Big Brother 17 live blog!
Is There Hope for Meg?
Meg knows sitting next to Julia essentially dooms her. James is more optimistic that some of the HGs might be willing to break up the AusTwins. Julia also sees it that way. They're right, these people would be IDIOTS to keep Julia over Meg.
Johnny Mac wants to make deals and break them to alienate people in the jury so he won't be seen as such a threat. He makes a Final 2 deal with Vanessa, joining Austin, Steve and Julia as the people who have Final 2 deals with Miss Solo Dolo. James pitches evicting Julia to Johnny Mac. He seems on board with it, except that it would go against Vanessa.
John talks to Steve about maybe flipping the vote. Steve isn't sure what to do, he just loves that he has to make such a hard choice in this game. Steve talks to Vanessa about making the move against Julia because he doesn't want them to go to Final 5 with the AusTwins. Steve thinks James would agree not to target them if they save Meg, but Vanessa shoots it down. Steve has a nervous breakdown because he knows he should vote out Julia, but he doesn't want to.
The First Eviction
Meg wants everyone to vote independently. Julia talks about how challenging it was to pretend to be Liz.
Liz votes to evict...Meg
James votes to evict...Julia
Steve votes to evict...Meg (the audience groans)
John votes to evict...Meg
Austin votes to evict...Meg
Meg is evicted 4-1!
Meg is happy James is still in the house. She doesn't regret evicting Shelli. She was scared of Vanessa, but she probably would've been her target. She emphasizes that James has NO SHOT with her.
The HoH Competition
It's a question game where they look at a pair of photos and must answer a true or false question about them. If you're wrong, you're out.
Question 1: Everyone is right
Question 2: Steve and James are out (crap)
Question 3: Austin and John are out
Ugh, we're down to the twins. This is the worst.
Question 4: They're both right
Question 5: They're both right
Question 6: They're both right
Why is this still going on?
Question 7: Julia is out
Liz is the new HoH!
Well, I fully expect James and Johnny Mac to go on the block, with Steve as a replacement if the PoV is used. I really just don't care anymore.
The Nominations
We hear a brief bit of Liz saying James is her target.
Liz nominates James and John!
No duh. She's sticking to the people she's been loyal to since the beginning. Also, one is her boyfriend and one is her twin sister, so obviously she had limited options.
The Power of Veto Competition
Vanessa is the only one not playing. One at a time, the HGs roll two balls along a boomerang into holes with points. The highest combined score wins.
Steve: 0+0=0
John: 0+0=0
Well, this is stupid.
Austin: 6+9=15
Liz: 15+0=15
Julia: 13+4=17
James: 0+0=0
Julia wins the Power of Veto!
Well, that was truly awful and now the twins win BOTH comps in the double eviction. When more than half of the balls go off the board, you know it's a poorly designed comp.
ulia does NOT use the Power of Veto!
Again, no duh. Will they take out Johnny Mac again or just get rid of James like they wanted to last week?
The Second Eviction
James says he's only there for his daughter. Johnny Mac doesn't have anything funny and wants to stay.
Austin votes to evict...James
Julia votes to evict...James
Vanessa votes to evict...James
Steve votes to evict...James
James is evicted 4-0!
Well, that's a depressing night where the two most likable people are both gone. Now the world must root for Vanessa, Steve and Johnny Mac to take out the AusTwins. On the bright side, I will be shocked if James DOESN'T win Fan Favorite. Inside, Vanessa is already crying. And Johnny Mac is obviously the odd man out with the Scamper Squad. James knows he doesn't have a shot with Meg.
I am now ready to see Survivor yes talking about Survivor on the Big Brother thoughts lol but that will be on as soon as Big Brother is over the same night and I can't wait looks like a good one to seen the commercial for it. I just hope they don't try to get Vanessa on Survivor or Austin ha ha that would be funny though but either one would not be able to stand the elements of the extreme situations they have to live in for the time they are out there.
So on that note not much more to say at the moment just wanted to get my thoughts out here been a busy week and busy weekend with Labor Day weekend here fun fun :)
So enjoy be kind to one another and may your day or evening where ever in the world you may live be a beautiful one and if not I wish you well and hope all becomes great!
Big Brother recap from Buddy TV
'Big Brother 17' Recap: The Second Live Double Eviction
Thursday, September 03, 2015
Interestingly, three of the last four double evictions have featured two women getting voted out (Amanda/Elissa in season 15, Nicole/Christine in season 16 and Shelli/Jackie earlier this season). Could that trend continue, leaving five women in the jury house and all four men still in the game? Or will a guy finally get eliminated for the first time since Clay?
BUT FIRST...this is my Big Brother 17 live blog!
Is There Hope for Meg?
Meg knows sitting next to Julia essentially dooms her. James is more optimistic that some of the HGs might be willing to break up the AusTwins. Julia also sees it that way. They're right, these people would be IDIOTS to keep Julia over Meg.
Johnny Mac wants to make deals and break them to alienate people in the jury so he won't be seen as such a threat. He makes a Final 2 deal with Vanessa, joining Austin, Steve and Julia as the people who have Final 2 deals with Miss Solo Dolo. James pitches evicting Julia to Johnny Mac. He seems on board with it, except that it would go against Vanessa.
John talks to Steve about maybe flipping the vote. Steve isn't sure what to do, he just loves that he has to make such a hard choice in this game. Steve talks to Vanessa about making the move against Julia because he doesn't want them to go to Final 5 with the AusTwins. Steve thinks James would agree not to target them if they save Meg, but Vanessa shoots it down. Steve has a nervous breakdown because he knows he should vote out Julia, but he doesn't want to.
The First Eviction
Meg wants everyone to vote independently. Julia talks about how challenging it was to pretend to be Liz.
Liz votes to evict...Meg
James votes to evict...Julia
Steve votes to evict...Meg (the audience groans)
John votes to evict...Meg
Austin votes to evict...Meg
Meg is evicted 4-1!
Meg is happy James is still in the house. She doesn't regret evicting Shelli. She was scared of Vanessa, but she probably would've been her target. She emphasizes that James has NO SHOT with her.
The HoH Competition
It's a question game where they look at a pair of photos and must answer a true or false question about them. If you're wrong, you're out.
Question 1: Everyone is right
Question 2: Steve and James are out (crap)
Question 3: Austin and John are out
Ugh, we're down to the twins. This is the worst.
Question 4: They're both right
Question 5: They're both right
Question 6: They're both right
Why is this still going on?
Question 7: Julia is out
Liz is the new HoH!
Well, I fully expect James and Johnny Mac to go on the block, with Steve as a replacement if the PoV is used. I really just don't care anymore.
The Nominations
We hear a brief bit of Liz saying James is her target.
Liz nominates James and John!
No duh. She's sticking to the people she's been loyal to since the beginning. Also, one is her boyfriend and one is her twin sister, so obviously she had limited options.
The Power of Veto Competition
Vanessa is the only one not playing. One at a time, the HGs roll two balls along a boomerang into holes with points. The highest combined score wins.
Steve: 0+0=0
John: 0+0=0
Well, this is stupid.
Austin: 6+9=15
Liz: 15+0=15
Julia: 13+4=17
James: 0+0=0
Julia wins the Power of Veto!
Well, that was truly awful and now the twins win BOTH comps in the double eviction. When more than half of the balls go off the board, you know it's a poorly designed comp.
ulia does NOT use the Power of Veto!
Again, no duh. Will they take out Johnny Mac again or just get rid of James like they wanted to last week?
The Second Eviction
James says he's only there for his daughter. Johnny Mac doesn't have anything funny and wants to stay.
Austin votes to evict...James
Julia votes to evict...James
Vanessa votes to evict...James
Steve votes to evict...James
James is evicted 4-0!
Well, that's a depressing night where the two most likable people are both gone. Now the world must root for Vanessa, Steve and Johnny Mac to take out the AusTwins. On the bright side, I will be shocked if James DOESN'T win Fan Favorite. Inside, Vanessa is already crying. And Johnny Mac is obviously the odd man out with the Scamper Squad. James knows he doesn't have a shot with Meg.
Sunday, August 23, 2015
Big Brother Vanessa & Now Austin OMG why paranoia!
Lets see now more paranoia and of all people Austin OMG power of HOH has gone and left him my gosh lol! He wins for the first time this summer a HOH and sorry but its a wasted one since who ever he sends out the door may come back :) as well as I am hoping now James,Meg,Johnny Mac and Steve flip on them on Austin and the twins and Vanessa but see Austin,Johnny Mac and Steve do not vote in this one for eviction :) unless its a tie then Austin decides. So really its James,Meg and the twins who vote which is only 2-2 interesting oh wait I am forgetting Vanessa sorry 3-2 so I guess Austin and the twins and Vanessa do have the numbers some what for the moment but if someone comes back in who they evicted last week or even this week then I hate to say but there game is about over.
James,Meg,Johnny Mac and who ever comes back in will work with them I doubt they will work with the twins or Austin or Vanessa at this point not sure.
So on that note be kind to one another have a great evening or day where ever in the world you may live.
Oh yes forgot to mention Vanessa won the POV and from what I am hearing she is not going to use it. Johnny Mac and Steve will stay the same. I don't want Johnny Mac to go not yet but if he does I Hope he comes back with vengeances
Paranoia in the Big Brother house ugh lol
All the control this week in Big Brother 17 lies in one corner but as we’ve seen this season, great power comes with great paranoia. Austin and Vanessa sat down to run scenarios and came up with a whole new way to explain what’s going on inside the house.
Fortunately for Vanessa and Austin, being wrong is okay when you have the controlling numbers in the house and boy are they wrong about this one.
Flashback to 1:35 AM BBT 8/23 Cams 3/4 as Austin and Vanessa talk in the back bedroom. Austin is running through the things he’s been hearing as Vanessa maneuvers to secure her spot again with the Austwins. Their new fear is an alliance has formed on the other side and they’re all coming after them. Well, they weren’t, but maybe they’ll have to after this week.
Vanessa saw Steve and James talking, but they weren’t just talking, they were talking for too long. They must be working together, says Vanessa. Austin agrees. He says if it turns out James & Meg plus Steve & John start comparing notes than they’re screwed. Now Austin should have that worry because he’s made 5-HG deals with both groups, but Vanessa hasn’t, yet she doesn’t seem to catch that concern of his.
Vanessa explains to Austin why a move against her by the other side of the house would be the smart play. If those four bound together and get out Vanessa then they’d have 4-3 numbers over the Austwins. Then if you toss on another returning Juror it’d be a 5-3 position. Yep, that would have been a smart move, but no it wasn’t actually happening. All the same, it’s enough to get Austin afraid and on the run.
Now keep in mind that Austin formed those 5-HG deals with the purpose of targeting and evicting Vanessa this week. Both sides thought that was what was going on. Has Austin forgotten he helped create this situation that he’s suddenly fearing? “I knew it! I knew something was up,” says Austin regarding this ghost alliance.
Liz arrives to hear more of the paranoia (1:39 AM BBT). Austin suggests that everyone was scared at his nominations ceremony because “they’ve all got something going on.” Liz looks really confused.
“We just figured out everything,” says Austin. He tells Liz they are back with Vanessa “100%.” Austin explains to Liz that he was going to put Vanessa up as a pawn and the other side was going to evict her after telling him they wouldn’t.
Vanessa says she could tell everyone was upset when she won the Veto and that was telling. Austin says it goes back to Steve who sold them all out and must have a deal with James. We know the general disappointment could be because they thought Vanessa was the target… because Austin told them that going in to this week.
Liz contributes to the paranoia-fest by sharing that John had come up to the HoH room and mentioned Vanessa thought something was up because she saw Meg crying. Austin declares this as showing John had just “gave up his hand again.” Just a few moments earlier Vanessa discussed that Meg crying was part of her supporting evidence of the other side being all against them.
Vanessa says that Meg shouldn’t have been upset because “if Brass Tacks was real then she’d have known I wouldn’t have used the Veto.” According to Meg she was personally frustrated and her post-comp tears were about her losing and nothing to do with Vanessa or the plan. But anyway, as for Brass Tacks, that was really a 5-HG deal that only included Vanessa to keep her calm. The 5 had all agreed that Vanessa would be the target.
The talk breaks up at 1:45 AM BBT as they head upstairs to talk some more and figure out who should be their target this week from the ghost alliance: James, John, Meg, or Steve.
Now it’d be easy to say Austin was just playing this all up to Vanessa and using her paranoia to cover up his participation in the conspiracy across the house with all other HGs to get her out the door this week. But here’s the thing, earlier in the day before the Veto comp we heard Austin and Liz privately have some very paranoid talks along the same lines.
Flashback to 6:10 PM BBT 8/22 as Liz and Austin talked in the Lounge. Austin suggested there might have been a secret plan among the other plans to actually come after him and the twins this week. He notes that no one came up to talk to him after the Veto players were picked. Austin suggests that indicates everyone didn’t trust them. Hang on, Austin. Perhaps that means everyone did trust you and felt good about the plan you had already created with all of them. Nope, it’s gotta be the exact opposite, said Austin.
Austin was sitting pretty going in to this week and was well trusted by all sides of the house. Had he not won HoH I think Vanessa could have ended up the target as planned and whether or not she went wouldn’t have been in his control. Instead of playing the pivot position in the house he’s now divided it once again and kept a big threat to his chances to win this game.
The rest of the week should play out with John and Steve staying on the Block. While there’s been talk of maybe going after James or Steve instead of John I’d be very surprised to see that happen. On Thursday night I’d expect John to head out the door and join the 4-Juror competition for a returning spot.
James,Meg,Johnny Mac and who ever comes back in will work with them I doubt they will work with the twins or Austin or Vanessa at this point not sure.
So on that note be kind to one another have a great evening or day where ever in the world you may live.
Oh yes forgot to mention Vanessa won the POV and from what I am hearing she is not going to use it. Johnny Mac and Steve will stay the same. I don't want Johnny Mac to go not yet but if he does I Hope he comes back with vengeances
Paranoia in the Big Brother house ugh lol
Big Brother 17: Austin & Vanessa Crank Up The Paranoia
By: Matthew Boyer | August 23, 2015 at 2:55 PM EDTAll the control this week in Big Brother 17 lies in one corner but as we’ve seen this season, great power comes with great paranoia. Austin and Vanessa sat down to run scenarios and came up with a whole new way to explain what’s going on inside the house.
Fortunately for Vanessa and Austin, being wrong is okay when you have the controlling numbers in the house and boy are they wrong about this one.
Flashback to 1:35 AM BBT 8/23 Cams 3/4 as Austin and Vanessa talk in the back bedroom. Austin is running through the things he’s been hearing as Vanessa maneuvers to secure her spot again with the Austwins. Their new fear is an alliance has formed on the other side and they’re all coming after them. Well, they weren’t, but maybe they’ll have to after this week.
Vanessa saw Steve and James talking, but they weren’t just talking, they were talking for too long. They must be working together, says Vanessa. Austin agrees. He says if it turns out James & Meg plus Steve & John start comparing notes than they’re screwed. Now Austin should have that worry because he’s made 5-HG deals with both groups, but Vanessa hasn’t, yet she doesn’t seem to catch that concern of his.
Vanessa explains to Austin why a move against her by the other side of the house would be the smart play. If those four bound together and get out Vanessa then they’d have 4-3 numbers over the Austwins. Then if you toss on another returning Juror it’d be a 5-3 position. Yep, that would have been a smart move, but no it wasn’t actually happening. All the same, it’s enough to get Austin afraid and on the run.
Now keep in mind that Austin formed those 5-HG deals with the purpose of targeting and evicting Vanessa this week. Both sides thought that was what was going on. Has Austin forgotten he helped create this situation that he’s suddenly fearing? “I knew it! I knew something was up,” says Austin regarding this ghost alliance.
Liz arrives to hear more of the paranoia (1:39 AM BBT). Austin suggests that everyone was scared at his nominations ceremony because “they’ve all got something going on.” Liz looks really confused.
“We just figured out everything,” says Austin. He tells Liz they are back with Vanessa “100%.” Austin explains to Liz that he was going to put Vanessa up as a pawn and the other side was going to evict her after telling him they wouldn’t.
Vanessa says she could tell everyone was upset when she won the Veto and that was telling. Austin says it goes back to Steve who sold them all out and must have a deal with James. We know the general disappointment could be because they thought Vanessa was the target… because Austin told them that going in to this week.
Liz contributes to the paranoia-fest by sharing that John had come up to the HoH room and mentioned Vanessa thought something was up because she saw Meg crying. Austin declares this as showing John had just “gave up his hand again.” Just a few moments earlier Vanessa discussed that Meg crying was part of her supporting evidence of the other side being all against them.
Vanessa says that Meg shouldn’t have been upset because “if Brass Tacks was real then she’d have known I wouldn’t have used the Veto.” According to Meg she was personally frustrated and her post-comp tears were about her losing and nothing to do with Vanessa or the plan. But anyway, as for Brass Tacks, that was really a 5-HG deal that only included Vanessa to keep her calm. The 5 had all agreed that Vanessa would be the target.
The talk breaks up at 1:45 AM BBT as they head upstairs to talk some more and figure out who should be their target this week from the ghost alliance: James, John, Meg, or Steve.
Now it’d be easy to say Austin was just playing this all up to Vanessa and using her paranoia to cover up his participation in the conspiracy across the house with all other HGs to get her out the door this week. But here’s the thing, earlier in the day before the Veto comp we heard Austin and Liz privately have some very paranoid talks along the same lines.
Flashback to 6:10 PM BBT 8/22 as Liz and Austin talked in the Lounge. Austin suggested there might have been a secret plan among the other plans to actually come after him and the twins this week. He notes that no one came up to talk to him after the Veto players were picked. Austin suggests that indicates everyone didn’t trust them. Hang on, Austin. Perhaps that means everyone did trust you and felt good about the plan you had already created with all of them. Nope, it’s gotta be the exact opposite, said Austin.
Austin was sitting pretty going in to this week and was well trusted by all sides of the house. Had he not won HoH I think Vanessa could have ended up the target as planned and whether or not she went wouldn’t have been in his control. Instead of playing the pivot position in the house he’s now divided it once again and kept a big threat to his chances to win this game.
The rest of the week should play out with John and Steve staying on the Block. While there’s been talk of maybe going after James or Steve instead of John I’d be very surprised to see that happen. On Thursday night I’d expect John to head out the door and join the 4-Juror competition for a returning spot.
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