Monday, September 1, 2014


The one person I was hoping would not win the POV but she did and took herself off and our winner of the POV this week is Christine.

She took herself off course and talk was going on most the day and night that Caleb was going to put up Frankie well didn't happen that way of course he put up Victoria so its good bye Nicole again :( just got back in the game and out she goes.

Well its double eviction this week and if any of you been watching feeds or been keeping up on the latest of happenings in the house Frankie had been making some really crude comments and some are calling him all sorts of names and I am not going to go to much into detail on that if you want to know more go the big brother site and it will tell you or at least it should.

So on that note be kind to one another and may your day or evening be the best ever where ever in the world you may live.

TV Reality Mom


Will they backdoor Frankie?? Update

Big Brother 16: Caleb Reynolds Closing In On ‘Backdoor Frankie’ Plan – Update

| September 1, 2014 at 8:00 AM EDT
Well look at that. Tonight on the Big Brother Live Feeds we saw some serious action on the plan to Backdoor Frankie Grande. Here’s what’s going on and if there’s a real chance of coming together.
Caleb Reynolds plans his big move
Caleb Reynolds plans his big move – Source: CBS
After watching some interesting conversations earlier in the day as Caleb prepared for Monday’s Veto Ceremony there was a return to his previous arguments and this time he didn’t seem to be backing down. Could this finally be the end of the road for Frankie?
Flashback on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial) to 8:45PM BBT 8/31 as Caleb has pulled Cody in to the HoH room to discuss the scenario. Both agree that Frankie is a threat and they believe Nicole would be easier to beat in the remaining comps than it would be to beat Frankie.
Cody makes an important point that Frankie will turn on them soon, they know that, but with so little time left he’d likely do it at his very next chance. Cody does not think Frankie would wait another round. There’s no time left and they need to take the same perspective.
At 8:56PM BBT Derrick arrives. Would he shut down the conversation? Caleb proposes the plan to BD Frankie and if there’s a Double Eviction (they speculate on this every week) then they could get rid of Nicole. They also suggest that if something goes wrong and Nicole wins that HoH then she’d likely go after Christine. Then as long as two of them aren’t nom’d, they can control the results.
I’m surprised to hear Derrick say he’s down with the plan. He warns them though with some devil’s advocate talk and adds that if they put Frankie up then he absolutely must be the one to go this week. They can’t keep a vengeful Frankie in their game (my thoughts, not their words).
Derrick wraps the talk up with “Ready to do this, boys?” Oh my, oh my. This could happen.
9:04PM BBT Frankie arrives and that’s that for a long time.
The talks continue off and on all night. Derrick and Caleb resume their talk at 9:55PM BBT and while Derrick is hesitant Caleb is more and more in to the idea.
Derrick asks him if he’s leaning toward Backdooring Frankie. Caleb confirms he is. Derrick seems to concede, at least for the moment. “Alright. Alright.”
Frankie pops in, again, and shuts down the talk, but Derrick isn’t done sorting this one out. At 10:33PM BBT Derrick and Victoria start talking. He tells Victoria he’s working on something to keep her off the block. Derrick wants to know if Nicole is coming after him. Victoria assures him Nicole is not and she knows this because Nicole told her she’d be going after Cody. Uh oh.
The information Victoria is providing could cause Derrick to derail this plan. If he’s worried about Nicole messing up his master plan then he’ll shift Caleb back to keeping Frankie and getting Nicole out now while he has her locked for eviction. Derrick even ends their conversation saying he needs to go work on this plan but he doesn’t think it’s going to work.
Veto Ceremony will arrive on Monday around noon BBT so there is time for this to shift back and forth. Considering these HGs will probably be up for 6+ more hours tonight who knows where this will end up. We’ll keep an eye on what happens next. My goodness, what a night.
What do you think will happen? Will Derrick turn against this plan? What if Caleb goes for it anyway? If Frankie is on the block it may force everyone’s hand and they’ll have to send him to Jury. We shall see. This could be a big one on Monday.
Update: After hours and hours of overnight debate the guys go to bed with the plan to keep Frankie and evict Nicole. Flashback to 4:40AM BBT. Derrick was actively pushing for Backdooring Frankie but Caleb folds. He’s worried that Frankie is actually loyal, but Nicole has never worked with them.
There has been so much back and forth on this that we’ll have to keep waiting and watching. If Caleb was more secure in this idea I’d say we’d have a chance of seeing it happen, but with this much wavering I’m not confident at this point.

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