Saturday, July 9, 2016

New HOH , bb roadkill winner & whos all on the block and much more rolled into one FOR BIG BROTHER lol!!

So Thursday night was not to much of a shocker who got voted out which was Victor. Now our new HOH is Bridgette who is nervous I think being HOH for her own reasons from what I have read so far. She seems to want someone with her at all times up there doesn't want to be really alone . She did put up Bronte was Roadkill nomination and Bridgette put up Tiffany and Paul. 

The Have Nots are  Nicole, Tiffany, Corey and there food for the week if I seen that right was popcorn & peanuts lol interesting is all I shall say. Hey I like both of those foods not sure if I could live on it for a week..  So we shall see how that goes for me anyhow :)

Right now the one person they really want out is Frank who is safe this week due to one of his members of his team won HOH which was Bridgette. Frank has been making some inappropriate lets say things and if anyone sees the feeds   you may know but he is insulting the girls down talks them and thinks they dress like sluts or should say D he said that to after smacking her in the rear end. 

So for now I shall put the link and share a page with you all to check up on more things going on in the Big Brother house.

Be well be kind to one another smile it really does make a difference IMO anyhow. May your day or evening where ever in the world you may live be a great one.

I do have to say I liked the HOH comp that looked fun :)

Bless day to all

Big Brother Access

Posted: 08 Jul 2016 11:30 AM PDT
Who was nominated for eviction on Big Brother 18 in week three? With Bridgette Dunning as the new Head of Household this week, most fans seemed to think she would let her ally, veteran Frank Eudy, be the one actually choosing who went up. While we were hoping to see Bridgette take charge and make her own decisions without having Frank leading her around by the nose, it seemed pretty unlikely at this point.
Big Brother Live Feeds 5
WARNING: This post contains Big Brother spoilers from the Live Feeds that have not yet been shown on the CBS TV show, possibly including competition information or results, game play moves, alliances, showmances, etc. Please do not proceed if you do not want spoilers!
big-brother spoilers alert
After Bridgette won the Head of Household competition, Frank sat her down pretty quickly to ‘help’ her figure out who should go up on the block as her eviction nominees. Frank is all about getting Tiffany Rousso out as soon as he possibly can, so she is his number one target and he wants her to go up. Frank is extremely displeased with (former) 8-Pack alliance mate and convinced she’s too much of a danger to his game to stay any more. So she will most likely be nomination number one.
Big Brother Live Feeds 8
The second nomination isn’t so important to Frank. It needs to be someone he doesn’t mind getting rid of, but also someone that can possibly be manipulated to do what Frank wants them to. Plus, it should be someone who has a better possible chance of winning the Power of Veto Competition than Tiffany. Even better if it’s someone who really doesn’t have any strong alliances in the house and is desperate to keep the majority happy. Who fits all those categories? Guess what Paul Abrahamian, it looks like you’re about to step up on the block yet again.
Paulie actually tried to convince Bridgette that Bronte would be a good option as a nominee either now or as a renom later, but that’s highly unlikely. Let’s not forget that Bridgette is in a (currently) strong alliance with Bronte and Natalie with the Spy Girls (aka Powerpuff Girls). She is not going to nominate either of them unless she feels totally backed into a corner.
Big Brother Live Feeds 3
Nicole Franzel, James Huling, and Da’Vonne Rogers are basically left in a pickle at this point. They’ve been conspiring hardcore to get Frank out because they don’t trust him, and they feel he is trying to manipulate them and the rest of the house solely for his own benefit. (Well, duh.) But since he’s on Bridgette’s team, he’s entirely safe this week and there is no way for him to go up on the block.
Luckily for them, so far Frank is not aware of their mass attempt to target him. However, that doesn’t mean they are safe if he decides one of them is too much of a threat to keep around this week. Nicole is especially stressed out that she might end up as nomination or a renom. So when Nicole and Corey found out from Frank that Tiffany and Paul were probably going to go on the block, Nicole liked to Tiffany about not knowing what was going on. She doesn’t want to give Tiffany the weepy manipulator any chance of changing Frank or Bridgette’s mind about being nominated.
When the Big Brother Live Feeds went down on Friday morning, it looked pretty certain that Tiffany and Paul would go up as this week’s eviction nominees, with Tiffany as the prime target. When the Feeds finally came back on several hours later, our spoilers were confirmed. Paul and Tiffany are this week’s first two eviction nominees. Now we’ll have to wait and see who wins the Roadkill Competition and which houseguest they will choose as their third nominee.
Posted: 08 Jul 2016 08:19 AM PDT
Yesterday marked another eviction in the books for this season of Big Brother. Paulie Calafiore became this week’s Head of Household and originally nominated Paul Abrahamian and Bronte D’Aquisto for eviction. Victor Arroyo won this weeks Road kill competition and put Tiffany Rousso up as a third nominee. Paulie won Power of Veto this week and used it to save Paul, which left Paulie having to put someone in his place. His replacing nominee was Victor.
Since Victor was nominated and the house was left unsure where Tiffany’s head was at in the game, Victor decided to try and sway votes towards Tiffany by talking to Natalie and James Huling. Natalie was not on board with that due to Bronte being a nominee and that being one of her good friends.
Tiffany told Bronte maybe they should work something up with the girls and have a possible alliance with her (Tiffany), Bronte, Natalie Negrotti and Bridgette Dunning. Bridgette told Frank Eudy that they were trying to get a girls alliance going on that included her. Houseguests begin to question if perhaps they should keep Victor and vote Tiffany out this week due to the shady things she has pulled lately.
The 8-Pack alliance includes: Frank, Zakiyah Everette, Da’Vonne, Nicole Franzel, Tiffany, Corey Brooks, Michelle Meyer and James. The five girls in the 8-Pack all form their own little alliance titled “The Fatal Five”. Frank decided he wanted to tell Paulie all about the 8-Pack. He informed Nicole and Corey that he was going to tell Paulie all about it before someone else did and it ruined his trust in them all. Frank told Paulie about the 8-Pack but then blamed the girls for creating it.
Big Brother Recap 4
Paulie said he wasn’t worried but it was made of people he thought he was working with as well and wondered why he was not included. Frank told Paulie he didn’t want Paulie finding out from Tiffany about the 8-Pack. Zakiyah thought they should stick to a finale five alliance that included: her (Zakiyah), Paulie, Nicole, Corey and Da’vonne because they can all trust one another but Da’vonne didn’t seem to be on board with that idea because she felt as if she would be the 3rd wheel in an alliance full of showmances.
Host Julie Chen announced that it was time for the live eviction. Would the houseguests stick to the plan of evicting Victor or would they change the plan and vote Tiffany out for her shady ways? With a 9-1 vote, Victor was the 3rd houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house. While discussing his journey on BB18, Victor explained that he felt like a sitting duck in the house and felt like he only had Paul. The rest of the house seemed to give him the cold shoulder. Julie told Victor that another twist called ‘ Battle Back’ which allows the first five evicted HG’s to battle against one another for a chance back in the house.
Big Brother Recap 2
The Head of Household competition then went into full swing. Titled “Kiss my Ace”, the HOH comp. was be played in teams. One player from each team had to step up and serve a tennis ball into their court. Each court was filled with numbered slots 0-21.
The player with the lowest number in each round would be eliminated. Those still in the game would go to the back of their team line and the next player from each team would step up and serve. The last houseguest standing would become the new HOH. If two or three players tie with the lowest score in any given round, they would all be eliminated. If all four HG’s tie then all four must serve again until someone was eliminated in that round.
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
Bronte was eliminated in the first round. Michelle was eliminated the second round. Nicole and Da’vonne were eliminated in the third round. James was eliminated the fourth round. Frank was eliminated the fifth round. Corey was eliminated the sixth round. Zakiyah was eliminated the seventh round. Tiffany was eliminated the eighth round which meant the Freakazoids were out of the game. Natalie was eliminated the ninth round. Paul and Bridgette were the last two remaining players. Bridgette won this week’s HOH comp and guaranteed her team “Catagory4” safe this week.
Which houseguests do you think Bridgette will nominate on Sunday?
Posted: 07 Jul 2016 06:57 PM PDT
Who won Head of Household on Big Brother tonight was of critical importance to the majority 8-Pack alliance, which is on the edge of splintering right into non existence. They’ve ruled the house since the first episode of season 18, but now some of them are starting to think some of their own members should be the next targets to evict.
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
The veterans have all been working hard to form side alliances and deals with the rookie players in the house because they know at some point they could end up aligned against each other. We thought it would take longer for that to happen, but it looks like at just over three weeks into the season, the veterans may already be starting to go for each other’s throats.
In particular, Da’Vonne Rogers has launched a campaign against Frank Eudy, who she thinks has been using everyone in their alliances to further his own game first and foremost. Well, of course he is, isn’t that the whole point of the game? Fellow veterans James and Nicole have also now jumped aboard the anti-Frank train, so it looks like the 8-Pack alliance and the Veterans alliance are both now in danger of permanent demise. Unless Frank won the Head of Household Competition this week, there was a very good chance he might end up as target number one.
Time for the Head of Household Competition. This challenge is called ‘Kiss My Ace’ and it’s a tennis themed competition. The teams will compete against each other and serve balls into a tennis court and try to get them into slots with the highest points values. In each round, the person with the lowest point value will be eliminated from the competition.
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
Round 1: Bronte is eliminated
Round 2: Michelle is eliminated
Round 3: Nicole and Da’Vonne are both eliminated
Round 4: James is eliminated
Round 5: Frank is eliminated
Round 6: Corey is eliminated
Round 7: Zakiyah is eliminated
Round 8: Tiffany is eliminated, Freakazoids are all out
Round 9: Natalie is out, Team Unicorn are all out
Round 10: Paul is out, Bridgette has won Head of Household! Team Category 4 are all safe!
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
Well that’s just most excellent news for Frank. Because now all those folks who have been secretly plotting against him are going to have to start sucking up to him, because right now he has Bridgette quite firmly in his back pocket. So her eviction nominees are likely to be his nominees, unless she breaks out and starts making some big game moves for herself!
We appreciate if you are going to be signing up for the Big Brother Live Feeds that you might be kind enough to do so through one of our links or banners on It doesn’t cost you a penny more, but the small referral credits help to keep this site alive all year long bringing you the latest news from the Big Brother world. So if you are ready to get your Feeds on, just click on the banner or link below to get signed up and get watching!
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Posted: 07 Jul 2016 06:35 PM PDT
We were pretty sure who would be evicted on Big Brother 18 tonight before the live show kicked off, but there was always a chance for a last minute shakeup. The Big Brother Live Feeds have been full of houseguests waffling the past few days on who exactly would be the best of the eviction nominees to get the boot this week.
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
Well, truthfully, there were only two of the eviction nominees truly in danger of going home on Thursday night (or off to seclusion anyway): Tiffany Rousso and Victor Arroyo. While Victor has been the main target all week long ever since Paulie Calafiore won the Head of Household, Tiffany suddenly rose up quite strongly as a possible alternate eviction possibility over the last few days.
Although she was told by her 8-Pack alliance members to throw the Power of Veto Competition to make sure they would be able to put Victor up on the block as a replacement nominee, Tiffany instead decided she was too afraid of being backdoored herself not to compete. This pissed off her allies because if she had won and taken herself off the block, Paulie would not have been able to put up Victor as a replacement, and one of them might have ended up in danger instead since Victor would have had the power to rename a third nominee.
That lack of trust, along with Tiffany’s (I almost said Vanessa’s) increasing paranoia and wildly swinging emotions got under the skin of her alliance mates, especially Da’Vonne Rogers. Tiffany and Da’Vonne are not only members of the 8-Pack together, but also the all-girls Fatal Five alliance. Tiffany’s actions, however, had Da’Vonne and others starting to talk pretty loudly about how it might be a wise idea to get Tiffany out now while they had such an easy opportunity — and save Victor for a later eviction.
In the end, however, the splintering majority 8-Pack alliance and the rest of the house stuck with the original plan and decided to go for the backdoor as intended since Paulie won HoH. Victor ended up getting the boot despite all his attempts to flip the vote, and walked out of the Big Brother 18 house with a near unanimous vote against him.
Big Brother 18 Eviction Votes:
Bridgette votes to evict: Victor
Zakiyah votes to evict: Victor
Paul votes to evict: Bronte
Frank votes to evict: Victor
Da’Vonne votes to evict: Victor
Michelle votes to evict: Victor
Natalie votes to evict: Victor
James votes to evict: Victor
Corey votes to evict: Victor
Nicole votes to evict: Victor
Victor has been evicted and is the third houseguest to leave the show this season. But, of course, he could be returning in the future if he wins the Battle Back competition!
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
Tiffany, however, better watch out. Because she and veteran Frank Eudy are quickly becoming major targets for a lot of the other houseguests, and both of their days could be very numbered indeed.
We appreciate if you are going to be signing up for the Big Brother Live Feeds that you might be kind enough to do so through one of our links or banners on It doesn’t cost you a penny more, but the small referral credits help to keep this site alive all year long bringing you the latest news from the Big Brother world. So if you are ready to get your Feeds on, just click on the banner or link below to get signed up and get watching!
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Posted: 07 Jul 2016 05:32 PM PDT
We were hoping to see a shake up in who went home on Big Brother tonight in the third eviction of the season. While it wouldn’t be such a loss to see 8-Pack alliance target Victor Arroyo headed out the door, it would be a lot more fun and drama if a sudden vote flip blew out the big backdoor plan. Especially if it meant Tiffany Rousso, the near identical twin of paranoia and tears to sister Vanessa Rousso, might be the one who got blindsided and booted.
Big Brother Recap 2
Alas, even though the 8-Pack alliance is pretty much on the edge of complete implosion inside the house, spoilers from the Big Brother Live Feeds right before the live eviction show still had Victor as pretty much doomed to a possible unanimous vote out the door. Still, you never know what sort of crazy might happen in those last few hours while the cameras are down, so we are always eager for a hopeful bit of wild action popping up on the live show. Expect the unexpected, right?
When we last left our houseguests, Head of Household and Power of Veto winner Paulie Calafiore had just taken Paul Abrahamian off the block and replaced him with Victor. This was the next to last step in Paulie’s grand plan to backdoor Victor this week. All he needs now is the rest of the house to fall in line and vote against Victor at the live eviction as planned.
Problem is, things may not be all that simple with the majority house alliance starting to crumble, and some of them wondering if there might not be a better target to get out this week — namely, Tiffany Rousso. She’s so paranoid about being on the block, that she might kick her own butt right out the door.
Big Brother Recap 3
Paul is feeling bad that his buddy Victor is on the block and he’s safe, but that’s what had to happen to save his own skin. Victor isn’t ready to give up though. He’s going to make an effort to stay in the game, he’s not ready to go home. He says in Diary Room that if he is going to save himself, he needs to get the rest of Team Unicorn — Natalie, Bronte & James — together to swing their vote against Tiffany. They all swear they are right there with him.
Tiffany tries to tempt Bridgette and Bronte into some kind of ‘girl thing’ going on. In Diary Room, Tiffany says it’s good she has the 8-Pack but she doesn’t trust Frank, and she needs to line up some other allies. She tells the girls Frank is dangerous, especially as a competition beast, but please don’t tell him that.
Bridgette tells Frank that she’s afraid she is at the bottom of the totem pole he is building because he is great at this game. She tells him that Tiffany told her that she does not like Frank. However, she says she doesn’t think Tiffany would do that herself. Frank says Tiffany is trying to buddy up with them because she wants him out and if he had a choice, he’d vote Tiffany out. He says he wouldn’t say this stuff to Bridgette unless he trusted her like his little sister.
Big Brother Recap 4
Tiffany tells Natalie, Bronte and Bridgette that if she were to win Head of Household, she’d never put any of the girls up. James interrupts them but then leaves and goes up to the HoH room. He tells Paulie, Corey and Frank that Tiffany, Bronte and Natalie are always huddled up and whenever he goes in they stop talking. James says Tiffany is just like her sister Vanessa with her side alliances and then sniping people. They talk about maybe they should get Tiffany out instead of Victor.
Frank wants to tell Paulie about the 8-Pack alliance and sort of bring him into the fold. Nicole says in Diary Room that if Frank wants to do something, you pretty much just have to go along or he’ll steamroll right over you. So Frank and Corey tell Paulie about the formation of the 8-Pack and that it happened while he wasn’t in the room. But it’s no big deal because it was just because he wasn’t there at the time.
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
Frank tells Da’Vonne that he told Paulie about the 8-Pack and he’s not pissed off or mad or anything. She says in Diary Room that Frank did that just to cover his own a** and now she’s thinking that maybe she needs to keep Tiffany in the house to be the ‘cat’ to get the ‘rat’ that is Frank.
After telling Da’Vonne, Frank told Zakiyah about Paulie as well. He says to just laugh it off if Paulie talks about it like it’s not really a big deal. We flip to FINALLY seeing a tiny big of Paulie and Zakiyah holding hands and snuggling in bed talking about the 8-Pack reveal and who they can really trust in the game.
Big Brother Recap 2
Zakiyah tells Nicole and Da’Vonne that Paulie trusts them all and Corey. Da’Vonne in Diary Room is not feeling this because she thinks Zakiyah just wants Paulie because she thinks he is cute, and Nicole wants Corey because she thinks he is cute, and that leaves her as the fifth wheel!
Da’Vonne she goes and tells James that Paulie wants a Final Five with them without Frank or James. She’s like ‘what the f**k!’ James says it’s everybody for themselves now. Da’Vonne cries and is very upset that everything is falling apart. James tells Da’Vonne that he thinks the two of them are the only ones truly being honest with each other.
It’s now time for the live vote and eviction!
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
Big Brother 18 Eviction Votes:
Bridgette votes to evict: Victor
Zakiyah votes to evict: Victor
Paul votes to evict: Bronte
Frank votes to evict: Victor
Da’Vonne votes to evict: Victor
Michelle votes to evict: Victor
Natalie votes to evict: Victor
James votes to evict: Victor
Corey votes to evict: Victor
Nicole votes to evict: Victor
Victor has been evicted and is the third houseguest to leave the show this season. But, of course, he could be returning in the future if he wins the Battle Back competition!
Big Brother 18 Recap 1
In his exit interview, Victor tells Julie Chen that he felt like a sitting duck in the house, him and Paul. Victor says he thinks Paul is the one vote to keep him because Paul is his boy. He says he tried to talk to everyone. Julie said yes he did talk, he told everyone all his secrets! She asks him if he thinks maybe he shouldn’t have been so loose with his lips? He says well, maybe, since he’s out here. But he thinks even if he’d tried to keep secrets it still would have gone the same way. He says if he got the chance to play again, he would still try to play an honest game, but he’d maybe pick his alliance differently — even though he still did love Jozea.
Big Brother Recap 2
Natalie says in her goodbye message that it was nice to get to know him but she hopes he has learned to be nicer to people, especially women. Bronte says Victor’s social game was just a bit off, but she hopes to see him on the other side. Paulie says he’s sorry but he hopes they can hook up after the show. Paul says he is pretty sure he is next and they blew it, but he’ll see him on the flip side.
Julie then drops the bomb that there is another twist in the game. If he wins the Battle Back competition between the first five evicted houseguests, he can get back in the house and try to win that half million dollars.
Time for the Head of Household Competition. This challenge is called ‘Kiss My Ace’ and it’s a tennis themed competition. The teams will compete against each other and serve balls into a tennis court and try to get them into slots with the highest points values. In each round, the person with the lowest point value will be eliminated from the competition.
Round 1: Bronte is eliminated
Round 2: Michelle is eliminated
Round 3: Nicole and Da’Vonne are both eliminated
Round 4: James is eliminated
Round 5: Frank is eliminated
Round 6: Corey is eliminated
Round 7: Zakiyah is eliminated
Round 8: Tiffany is eliminated, Freakazoids are all out
Round 9: Natalie is out, Team Unicorn are all out
Round 10: Paul is out, Bridgette has won Head of Household! Team Category 4 are all safe!
Tune in Sunday to see who Bridgette nominates for eviction, and who will win the Roadkill Competition and put up the third nominee!
We appreciate if you are going to be signing up for the Big Brother Live Feeds that you might be kind enough to do so through one of our links or banners on It doesn’t cost you a penny more, but the small referral credits help to keep this site alive all year long bringing you the latest news from the Big Brother world. So if you are ready to get your Feeds on, just click on the banner or link below to get signed up and get watching!
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Posted: 07 Jul 2016 05:01 PM PDT
Tiffany and Frank are going to war on Big Brother 18. Last night’s episode started to show how they became Big Brother 2016 enemies. Tonight’s episode should determine who gets to take the first strike.
Tiffany Rousso
You can read more details about Frank and Tiffany’s fallouts and schemes on our Big Brother After Dark and Live Feeds recaps.
Week 3 of Big Brother involved a lot of underhanded talks about the 8-Pack going against one another. Originally, the tides seemed to turn against Tiffany. Her Vanessa-esque behavior made many worry about her emotional stability in the game. They also worried that she could be just as disloyal as her sister. Da’Vonne specifically didn’t want to have to babysit a Rousso all summer.

Frank also saw the danger of keeping Tiffany around too long. He also knew she wanted him out (because of Da’Vonne). The house started to plot and plan Tiffany’s eviction. However, the tides suddenly shifted, and people started to notice Frank’s sketchy behavior.
He tried to have his hand in too many cookie jars. He told Paulie (with Corey in the room) about the 8-Pack, which made it clear to everyone that he wanted to cover his own butt.
The 8-Pack started comparing notes and talking about whether they could really trust Frank. The Fatal Five worked on getting other people on board to blindside Frank. They told Paulie, Corey, and James their intentions for Frank. Paulie now suspects that Frank might be just as shady as everyone has suggested, but he knows that Frank’s eviction isn’t good for his game.
Big Brother 18-Frank Eudy and Paulie Calafiore
Frank will always be a bigger target than Paulie, he’s also a guy, and right now the guys are dwindling down too fast. So Paulie tried to shift the focus to eliminating one of the remaining girls on the other side, such as Bridgette or Bronte. Nicole and Zakiyah seemed receptive to his idea of holding off on evicting Frank.
However, now Nicole and James have been talking about evicting Frank again. The general plan seems to be that one of Nicole’s team members (her, Tiffany, or Corey) take the power. Then they put up Bridgette and Bronte, Natalie as the Roadkill, and then backdoor Frank. They even asked Michelle to throw this week’s Head of Household competition to ensure that Frank’s team cannot win it.
However, are things ever that easy on Big Brother? There is still a high probability that Frank’s team wins Head of Household. This completely sends a wrench into the plan to get rid of Frank. It does shift the focus back to Tiffany as well.
Tonight’s Head of Household may determine who gets to strike first. Who do you want to see get the boot first Tiffany or Frank on Big Brother 2016?


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