Saturday, June 11, 2016

My Pet Deck In Hearthstone– Thunderball: Midrange Shaman

 For all you Hearthstone fans here is one for you so enjoy may your day be awesome and great where ever in the world you may live!! Smile and be kind to one another its always refreshing :)


Lately the Hearthstone meta has turned into a stew of slow, grindy, midrange decks that care not for winning or losing as long as they can make the game last for eight hours. In such a quagmire of trolls, the only way to fight fire is with lightning.

Shaman is the class that’s good at removing obstacles while keeping the pressure on. It can tempo and tango. It can cut through the mud of 7/9 taunts and durdly spot removal, while delivering surgical strikes of damage. And it’s also easy to build as a budget deck, without needing legendaries. So to Shaman it was, with the deck I call ‘Thunderball’:

Yes, it is named after the James Bond movie, but hold on – we have a theme song just for this deck:

Yeah, that’s the Johnny Cash version of the Thunderball theme, which was rejected for the movie in favor of the more traditional take. But don’t the lyrics fit perfectly for playing a deck full of burn damage? “Who is going to suffer for the power in your hand?” I’m sorry, but my man Johnny here did it right, not that gauzy music they went with. I discovered this song during my old gig as blogger / editor for a hip music website. Bet you didn’t know that part of my former life.

Sir Finley

Totems suck. They’re random, so you never get the one you need. While lots of Shaman players embrace totems – your humble author even posted a totem-centric decklist way back when he started Heartstone – this deck doesn’t really want to cast any except as a last resort. Meanwhile, Sir Finley gives us access to abilities like Life Tap (the sooner to drop Flamewreathed Faceless, my dear!), Shapeshift (devastating when you have Doomhammer equipped), or Fireblast for good, solid board control or damage ping. Those are the three I usually try to pick anyway.

Tunnel Trogg and Unbound Elemental

Troggy-dog is a given, and yet his big cousin Unbound Elemental just doesn’t get any love. Try him out, he gets flippin’ HUGE! Not only is Elemental a nice complement to Faceless, but it makes a great backup finisher when the opponent kills off Faceless.

Ancestral Knowledge vs. Mana Tide Toem

The problem with Mana Tide Totem is that everybody picks it off immediately, so the most you get off it is one card. Ancestral Knowledge gets you two cards right now and triggers Trogg and Elemental.

Flamewreathed Faceless

Isn’t it silly how everybody rages about this card? Oh, boo hoo, there’s a budget beatstick that can come out turn four and wreck my plans of making the game last 30 turns until I can drop my Yogg-Saron, Hope’s End and watch it blow itself up for nothing! Yeah, playing for an hour just to have the whole game come down to an RNG coin flip is the fun part! The people I see whining about Faceless are the same people who paid out the wazoo to have a gilded fancy all-legendary expensive deck.

In other Hearthstone News:

IGN caught up with a couple of Hearthstone’s game designers for a Q&A on the state of the game and where things might be headed. The forums have strongly reacted to one statement, however, where the developers say they haven’t been hearing many complaints about how Arena mode works. The online consensus seems to be that we need to complain more about Arena.

And really, what is it about Arena? In a digital card game where it’s not feasible to open packs together and wheel them around the table in draft, Arena is the next best substitute. It’s supposed to be a format where everybody starts the same, so a newbie can keep pace with the seasoned expert no matter what cards in their collection. Yet the complain is just the opposite – that it’s impossible for a newbie to draft well in Arena because it takes experience to know what to pick. Yes, but… what other level of competition could we give it? Have a bot pick for you? There’s tons of Arena guides out there, and it takes very little practice to understand the pace and strategy.

I dunno, I just think some of you kids don’t appreciate what you’ve got.

Meh, well, I’m outta mana. Til next turn…

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