Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Audrey and Big Brother news

Well last night it seems the POV was finally held after hours of waiting and Audrey was in the Diary Room for over 5 hours from what they are telling us. She had a serve anxiety attack and her ears started ringing. They calmed her in the diary room and gave her meds to help as well. Apperaranly they are saying she is going to be leaving the game due to health issues but she was put up on the block last night as well as a replacement nom as Vanessa took down Jason with her POV she won.

So it looks like Audrey maybe leaving Thursday night and some of the houseguests are now asking if she will show up for her eviction since she was allowed to not show for the POV Cermamony last night. I wish her well and hate to see her go but if she is not well health wise then I wish her well and maybe in the future they can bring her back or maybe she is not leaving who knows we shall see it is Big Brother expect the unexpected :) and I Hope its one of those to but one can dream and wish on that to lol!!

So on that note be kind to one another and may your day or evening where ever in the world you may live be a wonderful one!



Veto Spoiler

'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Who Won the Week 4 Power of Veto?
'Big Brother 17' Spoilers: Who Won the Week 4 Power of Veto?
John Kubicek
John Kubicek
Senior Writer, BuddyTV
Every week so far on Big Brother 17, one of the two nominees won the Power of Veto, forcing the HoH to nominate another HG. And for the last two weeks, Johnny Mac has been the one to win it. Did he go for the rare threepeat or did someone else win it for a change?

SPOILER WARNING: This article contains Big Brother 17 spoilers.

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Shelli nominated Jason and John, Liz nominated Jackie and James. Jackie and James won the Battle of the Block, dethroning Liz. James, Meg and Vanessa were also picked to play.

Vanessa won the Power of Veto!

It sounds like the competition was similar to the one last year where the HGs had to memorize a series of colors and then diffuse a messy bomb by cutting the right colored wire. James was eliminated first, followed by Shelli, Meg, Jason and then John.

Vanessa winning leaves some options. She and Clay are desperate to backdoor Audrey this week. They're tired of her manipulations and lies, trying to turn Vanessa and John against Clay and Shelli and vice versa. Little does Audrey know that they all talk to each other.

However, Shelli still goes back and forth on what to do. She's emotional and wants to trust Audrey, even despite all of the evidence that she can't. It will be interesting to see if she will come around to the idea of backdooring her or if Vanessa will back down and just not use it.

But Vanessa did express interest in winning the PoV to possibly make a deal with Jason to save him, which is still a possibility. Basically, either Audrey will get backdoored or Shelli will chicken out, Vanessa will go along with not using it and Jason will go home.

UPDATE: By 11pm, things began to get clear. Vanessa wants to use the PoV to save Jason, making a deal with him that includes Meg and James keeping her safe as well. Shelli is on board with this plan as she wants to keep Jason too. However, Shelli is still noncommittal on a replacement nominee. Clay, Austin and Vanessa want it to be Audrey, but Becky seems to be a secondary option.

The Have-Nots

After the PoV competition, Shelli finally got to pick the four Have-Nots for the week. She chose Audrey, Becky, Jackie and John since none of them have done it yet. Now Shelli and Clay are the only HGs who haven't been Have-Nots while everyone else has done it once. Besides Slop, the Have-Nots can also eat Grunge Cakes, a combination of sponge cakes and gravy.


-Vanessa is the first person this season to win an HoH and a PoV. She also has a 50 percent winning ratio as she's only played in a total of four competitions.

-Vanessa, Shelli, Becky, Jason, John, James and Steve all have multiple competition wins so far. Clay and Audrey are the only ones without any wins.

-John's streak of playing in every single competition is alive and well, now up to 12.

-Liz is the only remaining HG who has never played in a PoV competition. In addition, Liz and Jackie are the only people who haven't been picked to play in one. John has played in all four while Shelli and James have each played in three.

-In the last 10 seasons, a woman has won the week 4 PoV eight times. The only exceptions were Jerry in season 10 and Brendan in season 13.

(Image courtesy of CBS)

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